To all ladies on Letrozole.......

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Hi girls. I have been taking Letrozole for almost 2 years now. I have developed a love/hate with this drug. I love how it keeps me safe, but hate the sore joints it gives me. 

I have tamed the side effects with cod liver oil and glucosamine.

I recently bought my usual cod liver oil supplements from Holland and Barrett. I trust their quality. This time their best offer was cod liver oil with calcium. I thought I would give it a try..........IT IS MIRACULOUS!! The pain in my joints has stopped altogether!!

They should prescribe on the NHS!!

Hope this helps all you sufferers of side effects.

Love J xx

  • FormerMember

    Recently been getting vertigo, my head spinning when I go to bed, light headed, mild pains in head, nausea. Had a triage drs app over the phone. She has given  me Prochlorperazine, been taking them before I go to bed and occasionally during the day, cos they can make you sleepy. But a week on still feel the same. Changed my brand of Letrozole about 5 months ago and been fine up to now apart from hot flushes and achy bones sometimes which I can put up with. Do you think its the Letrozole giving me these side effects, starting thinking the cancer has gone to my brain. Driving me nuts hate feeling like this.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sheiky - a week isn't long but it could be something like labrynthitis or an ear infection that is making you dizzy.  

    If it is Letrozole, you could try asking for a different brand. or you could try having a week without it to see if symptoms stop and then start again when you restart.  

    If that doesn't work, go back to your GP.  It's unlikely to have spread to the brain, but if you are worried, speak to your oncologist.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you, I have an appointment for GP on Monday. As I haven't had my ears looked at. I thought that you only had side effects early on when taking meds, wasn't sure if it could be the Letrozole after being on this brand   for 5months. Don't feel so worried now.

  • Oh...your message struck a chord with me, I have been feeling like this too!  The room literally spins, only occasionally...but it scares me, and i am thinking the same....has it spread to my brain?

    I looked through the side effects of Letrozole, and it is one of them....blimmin' scarey...

    London Butterfly

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone, I have been on Letrozole for 6mths and my side effects were awful aching joints! My oncologist prescribed calcium and vit D3 (Adcal) but she didn't tell me about Magnesium! It is a great muscle relaxant and should be taken with calcium for best results! GOOGLE IT! My joint pain has gone, it's an amazing supplement! Also I have more energy! I get both on prescription free! Daily u should take 1200mg of calcium and 300-400 Magnesium but I take only 900 Calcium (cos I also get calcium in my diet) and 300 Magnesium (3x100mg) it is best to take them in lower doses I.E. 3x 100mg rather than all in one dose, as smaller amounts absorb better. Also when taking calcium wait an hour or two before taking your Magnesium! All 3 work together (calcium, magnesium and vitamin D3) I also take a cod liver oil capsule daily! good luck ladies and remember Letrozole is a good drug, wasn't prepared to put up with aching joints, feel much better!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi JSpindley,

    This is really helpful information thank you !! I read on another post by Chloecat elsewhere that she takes Solgar Chelated Magnesium. Are there benefits to taking Chelated as opposed to non do you know please? I have aching joints, depression & difficulty sleeping since taking Anastrozole ( Dec 2013) & Arimidex since April 2015. The side effects on Arimidex are less, but I still have them to an extent. Any information regarding how Magnesium can help really appreciated. Thank you. Judithxx

  • I've only been on letrozole a couple of months (was on tamoxifen prior) but the Adcal (calcium plus Vit D3) and 250 mg of magnesium has helped me with the aching joints - especially in ankles.  Also, taking Boron 3mg which along with the magnesium helps with hot flushes.

  • FormerMember

    Can you dye your hair while taking letrozole?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Unknown said:

    Can you dye your hair while taking letrozole?


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, just seen this! don't need chelated Magnesium, I take "MagAbsorb" (which is Citrate). and get it on prescription after I had to educate my gp!...I felt like a 99yr old on Letrozole, no energy and couldn't sleep. I now have NO aches and pains, lots of energy and sleep like a baby. Take one on a morning and one an hour before you go to bed...Thank god for Magnesium!..please try it or at least read up about the benefits of Magnesium...good luck