To all ladies on Letrozole.......

  • 163 replies
  • 335 subscribers

Hi girls. I have been taking Letrozole for almost 2 years now. I have developed a love/hate with this drug. I love how it keeps me safe, but hate the sore joints it gives me. 

I have tamed the side effects with cod liver oil and glucosamine.

I recently bought my usual cod liver oil supplements from Holland and Barrett. I trust their quality. This time their best offer was cod liver oil with calcium. I thought I would give it a try..........IT IS MIRACULOUS!! The pain in my joints has stopped altogether!!

They should prescribe on the NHS!!

Hope this helps all you sufferers of side effects.

Love J xx

  • Hi I was on Accord brand to begin with, all fine, then chemist gave me Cipla, OMG within 2 to 3 days on this I turned into a 90 yr cripple, so I said i dont want that anymore, chemist couldnt supply Accord so got another one Actavis which is not really any better, so had oncology appt monday and explained, and emotionally broke down about it, what a twit.... but she has prescribed me the Accord brand again, although she thinks its a coincidence pah!!!, so im not taking any tablets for a couple of days so that my joints settle down and then ill start taking the Accord again, and im hoping it will work like before so i can prove a bloody point.. good luck sally x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I'm taking Accord Letrozole I'm on my 5 All of a sudden I have crippling lower back pain. I am wondering how you are getting on after your post.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi JS,

    I was on Accord Anastrozole : Briefly  & found it the worst of all the Anastrozole brands!! I now take  Arimidex , make : Astra Zeneca which is the original and more expensive drug & all the side effects on Accord have disappeared, don't think it's a co incidence. Best wishes Juduth xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Ps could you ask your GP to let you try Femara ( the original of Letrozole? ) Judith xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I am on Letrozole 2.5 mg film-coated tablets for a year now and it has no side effects. AlthoughI do suffer from lower back pain but that is due to different things.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember
    I'm 3 weeks into 2.5mg of letrozole (accord) and have had no side effects at all. In fact, the aches I had following docetaxel have almost all gone.
  • FormerMember
    my second prescription was a different brand than the hospital give me. I took first one on Sunday night and by Wednesday morning, woke up with a terrible headache that I was not able to get rid of, even with strong codeine. After 5 days, I drastically upped my water intake and found that it eased off considerably. Making sure I drink plenty now and it has finally disappeared. Don't know it it's a coincidence, but worth a try :-)
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi D

    After my Big C I was told to drink 3 litre of water a day but I can only drink about 2 and make up
    the rest with cup of lovely Teas.

  • Really interested to read this thread about different brands of the same drug.  I have also noticed a difference in my side effects (which are luckily minimal) and when I mentioned this to my oncologist, he looked at me strangely and just said that it's all the same drug, i.e. the same ingredients, just a different manufacturer - which made me feel slightly stupid!  So, to read all these comments, was a relief!  I also found the Accord brand the best, but I rarely get given them, so I suspect they may also be the most expensive?  I didn't even know you could specify which brand you wanted!  I found a chemist who used to provide Accord, but even they have now changed to another brand.  I do take Adcal daily, for my bone density.

    London Butterfly

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Londonbutterfly

    I collected my 2nd prescription of letrozole from the hospita lyesterday and they've both been accord. Next one will be from my local pharmacy so we'll see what happens.