Painful Breast

  • 2 replies
  • 302 subscribers

I had treatment for breast cancer in 2017. Lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I have had regular mammograms, still taking Letrozole and had DEXA scans etc. My worry is the discomfort under my arm (lymph node removal) also sharp pains in my breast along with tenderness. It is not the first time having these symptoms and have been seen by the Breast Nurses etc and been re-assured. I am might just be paranoid as you do with any symptoms around that area. I do feel the Radiotherapy has weakened ie my breast/rib bones as have had fractured ribs on at least 2 years occasions. I take regular pain relief.  

  • Hi,I had therapeutic mammoplasty and full lymph node clearance in June 2022

    I am also still very tender where I had node  clearance ,I've now got lymphodema in this arm and also in my breast

    • I was told that the tenderness  is probably  nerve damage and was prescribed amitriptyline ,I also have a theatre clip  that's in this area, which showed on my mammogram
    • Still ,small price to pay
    • Hope you're doing ok
    • Heart eyes
  • Thank you for your reply, what you are saying sounds very similar. You’re right a small price to pay!