Run down after radiotherapy

  • 5 replies
  • 301 subscribers

Does anyone else feel they are getting run down more easily after radiotherapy. I had a wide local excision and I completed adjuvant radiotherapy in December, but I feel as though my immune system isn't as it was originally. I also now have a gum infection that's unbearably painful. Ive been given antibiotics for it. I'm off work at the moment with it but I feel as though everyone's patience is running thin because I'm off 'yet again'. 

  • Sending an empathy hug. 
    I have only just finished my radiotherapy but had / am having a difficult time, which has taken me by surprise. I also have several painful mouth ulcers which I’ve not had since I was a kid. I guess it is just our systems being a bit worn down. Hope things pick up for you soon xx

  • I found that I was probably about three months or so after the radiotherapy that I felt completely exhausted. I think it's maybe part of your body and yoy adjusting yo everything that has happened and you are likely to pick up infections more easily. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a break and rest.

    Don't worry about other people's thoughts it's how you feel that matters. Peopled just adopt the attitude of......well it's done with now, it's a life changing experience. Look after yourself xx

  • Thanks. You'll probably be feeling exhausted aswell. I know mine hit me suddenly about a week afterwards. I had flu during my last session which I originally thought was the radiotherapy exhaustion until it really hit a week later. It lasted about 3 weeks for me, but I know it's different for everyone. I feel generally okay now except for feeling run down. I'm not sure if it's also because I had to stop taking my hrt. 

    I hope you start to feel better soon x

  • Thanks, I really do feel as though some people think it should be done with now and that I'm milking it. 

    I hope you are feeling better now. Thank you for taking the time to respond x

  • You too   I am sure the HRT will be having an effect. I also think it’s an adrenalin come down - after months of physical and mental slog… so much to adjust to and manage. 
    Good luck xx