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Sorry I must sound daft.  I'm currently on my 3 chemo session today.  I'm having it weekly on a Friday for 24 weeks.  I'm Stage 2 Grade 3.

I'm just sat here thinking.  Whilst I'm having the chemo can the cancer in my breast still be going elsewhere or is it after chemo it may start to spread?

Thanks x

    1. Hello,

    I don’t know the answer to this but I can give you a bit of context with my situation and chemo…

    I had it for 24 weeks, 16 infusions. Chemo. 
    Mammogram measured 3.6cm / CT scan 5 weeks later measured over 5cm. No lymph node involvement - biopsies clear. 

    I am guessing you’re on PAC and Carbo to begin with which for me had no response. 
    I then went on to EC which shrunk the mass to about 2cm. Once chemo had finished, the mass began to grow again. I could feel it, but no scans confirmed this. 

    I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on 21/1/25 - however, reconstruction failed. 

    Today I attended for my pathology results. 
    The chemo kept the tumour at bay. Measured 4.2cm when removed. 5 lymph nodes removed and all clear. Stage 2A. mastectomy performed - they advised they like to get at least 1mm clear margins. They got 7mm with me. 
    Today I was told that I am ‘cancer free’. 

    I was told right from the beginning that chemo was there to kill any odd cells off around the body (if there was any) and that the body would be blasted - if the tumour shrinks, this is a bonus! 
    I completely get your anxieties because I’ve had these from day 1, since May 24 and I continue to have them today writing this. 

    The point of this is - don’t worry about what is going on - just take it day by day the journey is a long one but you will get there and what will be, will be! 

    I have lost my breast, however I would rather loose my breast and see my daughter blossom, rather than have a breast and not be here. 

    Preventative treatment plan for myself is radiotherapy 5-15 sessions and chemo tablets for 6 months to reduce reoccurrence. 

    Good luck with your journey sending hugs xx

  • Thanks so much for your reply.  Your diagnosis seems identical to mine.  You're right, I am on Pac and Carbo.  

    I'm trying so hard to take it day by day but I'm finding the night when I've had chemo, I just can't sleep and things go round and round.

    Counting down the weeks/months and hoping I get through.

    I understand your decision for mastectomy.  I think I just want rid of both of them.  My oncologist was asking if I'd felt a difference myself but since feeling the lump initially and then all this starting, I can't bring myself to feel my poor breast.  

    Really hope things work out for you and the best of luck.  Your beautiful daughter WILL blossom with a strong mum like you!

    Love and best wishes x

  • Sleep was a massive issue for me. I had insomnia. 
    Things do go round and round and I can’t say it got any easier for myself, however, I also had good days. Have you asked one of the chemo nurses whether they can prescribe sleeping pills? 

    The pac and carbo was draining for myself. Going the hospital every week, bloods every week (I had some omitted because my bloods were all over). I had a PICC line so nurses were coming to my house. 
    The side effects weren’t great either. 
    EC - I did get a couple of infections buttttt overall I managed that one better cos it was every 3 weeks so hopefully it gets better for you. 

    I had the genetic testing because I’m under 40 and it came back negative so they wouldn’t remove both. Only the affected one. 

    I was the complete opposite to you - I was obsessed with the affected breast. Touched it numerous times a day - uncountable!

    I felt the same as you - until recently. You will get through this - do you have lots of support around you? It takes time xx

  • Appreciate your reply. It's crap isn't it. But onwards and upwards.

    I'm going to ask about a sleeping pill even if just for the night when I've had chemo as that seems the worst.

    I do have a wonderful husband at home and my family of course.  

    Let's keep positive and best of luck. 

  • Crap is the polite way!

    There is no specific type to get cancer - anyone can get it! 

    Yes try and stay positive as much as you can. You will have down days but it’s a big rollercoaster. 

    I know they’ve been reluctant round where I am with the sleeping pills (I know others in my Area with cancer) but they do end up prescribing. Mine was just anxiety in general - the insomnia I just dealt with. 

    I am guessing you have steroids too? This doesn’t help the sleep situation either. They cause insomnia. 

    Good luck with everything xx

  •    and 

    Hello. I am reading your posts in the middle of the night too. Just one of those times when the mind won't switch off.

    I thought you might like to read that my TNBC tumour was discovered in 2015....practically 10 years ago. Like yourselves I found treatment brutal at times. I think weekly doses must help.....ten years ago both the EC and taxotere were both given three weekly. 

    I had my operation first because the TNBC wasn't discovered until the tumour was analysed and chemo was to make sure no cells had spread but my friend with a similar diagnosis had her chemo first. The treatment shrank her tumour so well her planned mastectomy became a lumpectomy.  Like me, she is still here to offer encouragement and she was your age....very early 40's.

    I won't pretend the treatment was either pleasant or easy. I do have some lasting effects which because your treatments are now weekly, you are less likely to develop. This makes the tediousness of weekly chemo more worthwhile and however unpleasant, time does pass. You will get to the end of these months and life will continue. Suddenly that five year mile stone appears.......

    I wish you both well with successful treatment. I know my experiences are a little out of date but they achieved the same results....clear mammograms every year since the tumour was removed. That's all we can ask for....

    Take care. If you want to chat to people who can also share your experiences, doubts, anger try posting on the Awake thread. Day or night.....someone is usually about.

    P.S. No question is ' daft'. The only thing' daft ' is the question you don't ask!

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