Healing and pain from mastectomy

  • 5 replies
  • 305 subscribers

Hi, I am asking for advice or confirmation really. 
its 3 weeks today since my mastectomy. Left side . I am lucky enough to have been able to work from home after the first week of my op.

when I stand after working etc the site of the op is tight, it feels like I have a heavy weight pulling my chest on that side. Under my arm below the incision when I do the shrug or shoulder roll it feels like a clicking sensation then a hot sharp pain if I hold it it doesn’t hurt as much. 
 The tendon under my arm is incredibly tight, and I keep having tensing sensation around my chest . 
I read how other people are getting on with their daily lives going for long walks etc but i feel very stiff the area is tight and quite sore, under my arm I have a tennis ball size softish lump .  There doesn’t appear to be any infection. 
has anyone else had all this, or do I need to seek advice, I am getting my results Friday so was going to wait till then. I’m also so cold  all the time too . 

  • Hi there, you might want to to give you cancer nurse a call, just to put your mind at ease, or even give the lovely folks here at Macmillan a ring on 0800 808 0000.  It’s so difficult to know what is normal healing and what is something that should be checked so always better to be sure I think. Best wishes 

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  • Hi Irish girl 16 , I was going tomorrow for results but they have delayed me getting them , so I’m going for a wound check and see them tomorrow x thx Pray 

  • Good to hear you're going to get it checked.  And best wishes for the results when you do get them

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  • Results have been delayed for a week, that has made me very concerned, I’m still going to get the wound checked . Does this unsure and insecure feeling ever get better Face palm♀️? 

  • Hi, honestly?  It does get better, for sure but even now, 3 years on, I find myself sometimes questioning every lump and bump and thinking “was this here before? Is this new?”  So in many ways I have become more relaxed but the heightened sense of uncertainty has never completely gone away.

    In saying that, I am back at work full time, travelling a lot, very busy and this really does not impact my day to day. It's more on the odd occasion that I think more deeply about it. So to reassure you, in my very round about way, yes it gets so much better.  Best wishes 

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