Nail loss because of chemotherapy - any products or tips to help quicker regrowth?

  • 2 replies
  • 306 subscribers

I have recently lost some of my finger nails due to chemotherapy and I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if so did you use any products to make them grow back quicker as I would like to know what is best to help them.

  • Hi there, sorry to hear you've ended up losing some nails, that's one of those really frustrating side effects I think.  I didn't lose any, although one has become detached from the nail bed and a couple of toe nails remain cracked and almost dry.  I don't actually think there is much you can do sadly but I hope your nails grow back well. Best wishes 

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  • I lost toe nails and my finger nails lifted from the nail bed. I was told to moisturise them. I bought some nail oil and used to rub Aveeno into my hands and nails. I finished chemo at the end of June and it did take them a good few months to get better but they have recovered. I honestly thought they would never recover but they did.