Sore joints

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  • 306 subscribers


I was diagnosed back in September 2023 with breast cancer, I had a mastectomy and chemo. I’m all clear now but I’m on letrazole tablets, monthly zoladex injections and 6 monthly zoledronic acid drip. I’m finding my joints very sore especially in a morning and in particular my hands, I struggle to grip things sometimes. It seems to ease as the day goes on but it’s every morning it’s like this. Has anyone else experienced this? 
please don’t get me wrong I’m so grateful to be on the other side of it now and i know people have it a lot worse than I do but I was wondering if there’s anyone in the same boat as me.

Liz xx 

  • Hi Liz

    Sorry to hear you've having trouble with aching joints.  I'm on letrozole too (started six months ago) after mastectomy, chemo and radio, and struggle with various aches and pains, sometimes they are worse, sometimes they are better, but particularly stiffness first thing in the morning on waking or when I've been sitting down for a while.  I do try to exercise regularly.  Interestingly, I've been on Sun brand since I started on letrozole which has caused aches, but had a swap to Accord one month which led to my legs stopping aching but my hands started to ache and were very stiff (and weak) and as I work on a keyboard all day, I opted to go back to Sun brand.  Not easy is it.  Like you, I think there are so many more people worse off and you just hope this little pill is doing the job.  I am going to take some cod liver oil to see if that helps and other ladies have suggested an ibuprofen gel also.  Also regular movement to prevent the stiffness, even if it's just stretches.  You have my sympathies - I'm hoping the longer I'm on it, the more it will improve but not holding my breath!  Hope you find a balance with it soon x

  • Oh yes!

    I had Letrozole for 3 years (was changed to Tamoxifen for 2) and I too had painful joints. I tried to stick to just one brand, GP put it on the repeat prescriptions. It was Accord, which I gather is about the closest generic to the original Femara brand. Sadly I had a recurrence after a year free of tablets and am now on Exemestane (similar to Letrozole) after my more recent surgery and radiotherapy. Nobody has yet said how long for, but I’m on Abemaciclib as well for 2 years. Also 6 monthly Zometa. 

    I found a regular dose of an antihistamine helped (or was it all in my mind?!) but also, with the blessing of my surgeon I take a fish oil supplement plus multi-vitamin/minerals too. 

    Hope you find something apart from regular stretches and exercise, that helps you

    hugs xxx


  • Hi Liz, I started letrozole in November and also get aching joints. I sometimes wake up in the early hours of the morning because my joints hurt. Sometimes it's hips, or can be knees and ankles. I don't seem to get it during the day, once I'm up and about. Good to hear that you are now all clear. Xx

  • Hi Lullabelle, 

    sorry to hear you’ve been suffering as well, I hope the cod liver oil helps. Yours sounds very similar to mine, I’m on a keyboard all day and need to keep getting up to move or I’ll stiffen up. I’ve been on them since about May last year, I’ve joined the gym to try and stay active.

    I’m on the accord ones too, will mention it when I go for my zoledronic infusion next week. 
    Will keep going with some stretches and I have a stress ball to try and help my hands too.

    hope you’re feeling better soon xx 

  • Hi moomy,

    im so sorry to hear you’ve had a reoccurrence Cry sending you hugs. 
     I will be changing to tamoxifen at the 2 year mark as well. 

    I will keep going with the stretches and see what they say.

    sending you lots of positive thoughts xx 

  • Hi Daisy24,

    sorry to hear your having the same issue, mine is mostly through the night and first thing too, eases as the day goes on. 
    hope you’re doing ok xx