Should I worry

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  • 307 subscribers


I am nearly due my 2nd year screening since right mastectomy anx left lumpectomy. 

Over the last month or two I have felt a strange feeling around my collarbone and up my neck. I cannot really feel anything but the feeling is like inside is  swollen . sharp stabbing and itchy burning feeling when I think nerve endings were repairing has been an gone. Feeling ok other than fatigued and slightly breathless.  Don't like to make a fuss but wondered what or if others think or feel. 

Thank you

  • Please  go and get  checked my wife  who  was diagnosed  with tnbc in April  23   has now been  told she has two tumours  in the collar  bone area.praying that its not as bad as we thinking  scans on Tuesday  so please  get your  self  checked 

  • Hi jojoba, I think that if anything feels unusual NO ONE should think you’re just making a fuss. After what you’ve been through, the slightest niggle can cause concern and the worry can build up - that’s not good for you. Go and get it checked asap - if there is a problem it’s best sorted sooner rather than later. If there’s nothing there then you can be reassured and continue to enjoy life. Wishing you all the very best x

  • I can only echo what the others say, get it checked! With our history we are never making a fuss, contact the breast care team and they’ll get you back in to be checked out, I did this myself towards the end of last year as I found a lump in my arm pit, they think it’s a cyst and no further action but I didn’t feel I’d wasted anyone’s time. Good luck x

  • I keep telling myself I should but I  suffered badly with fluid build up as I didn't have a drain put in and it took over a year to eventually stop. On going once to hospital as I was so uncomfortable a nurse said I should feel grateful that was all I had there were others worse off than me. 

    I am very aware I am so lucky compared to some  but it has left me embarrassed to ask for help, reassurance with something that's all new to me.

    I will call and be brave, thank you

  • Thank you , I will keep your words in my mind and try and be brave and get some reassurance that all ok. 

  • Hi Jojoba,

    Please get it checked out. If I've learnt  any thing on this recent cancer journey its not to be afraid to ask questions and if something feels different or unusual get it checked. Never be afraid or embarrassed to ask for advice from the professionals they have a wealth of  knowledge. x

  • Hi  , please, as others have said, do get checked out. Apart from anything else, if it’s nothing much then that’s great reassurance. 

    I had my second mx last May, (it was for a recurrence which sneaked behind my implant after the first in 2018.) I felt some extra sensitive areas a couple of weeks back, have been stretching as it still feels very tight but not really massaging except for the scar. I was checked by one of the surgeons, and sent for ultrasound. It’s scar tissue which I guess has been tightening up around the surgical clips. 

    On seeing the surgeon again she reassured me BUT added that I should NEVER, EVER, be concerned at asking someone to check me as cancer can creep up on any of us. She also gave me help for how deep and firm I should massage and to do it over the whole area. 

    Hugs xxx


  • I am so glad everything was ok.

    I have taken all comments on board and I will make contact with the nurses.

    Thank you for helping me realise that  asking for reassurance is alright.

    Thanks again. 

    Take care x

  • I am sorry to read about your wife . I will be thinking of you both on Tuesday. 

    I will ask for some help.

    Take care

  • Really sorry. I hope it goes ok on Tuesday and it’s not as bad as you fear x