How to cope with family

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  • 312 subscribers

I'm currently waiting for biopsy results and be told exactly what I'm dealing with and what lies ahead. My partner's family know I've been told I have cancer buy my family don't, as I want to wait until I've had my appointment with the consultant and have more information. It's only been a week since I was told I've got cancer so all still very raw. I haven't seen any of my partner's family yet but due to see some of them tomorrow and I'm dreading it. Just don't know how I'll cope as I'm so emotional. Just wish it would all go away and I could go back to normal.

  • I know what you mean. I remember feeling that way - just wanted it to be a bad dream and go away. Wake up and be back to normal. This is the worst time - waiting on appointments and clarity on your treatment plan and wondering how you’ll manage to tell others without breaking down. Take your time, only tell family when you’re ready to share. Hopefully, by this time next year, your treatment will be over and you’ll be feeling almost normal again. There’s so many of us on the same journey, but at different stages. Just remind yourself that treatment of breast cancer has come a long way in recent years  and many go on to have as long a life as someone without cancer. There are some llovely inspirational stories on this forum. Take care. Xx