Round bump grown on Nipple..very worried

  • 2 replies
  • 303 subscribers

Hi everyone.I found a round bump attached to my right nipple .Really strange..just saw it by chance when changing my clothes.Its not painful,it's abit firm,just like a ball attached on top of the nipple.Im not sure what to think..I have got a 2 week referral and will be seeing my clinic in a week..there is no discharge, rash or pain... My lymph nodes were felt by a doctor and they are fine..has anyone had an experience like this? like to think it's a cyst but there is family history on my side which makes me so worried..Any advice would be appreciated.feeling very anxious..thank you

  • I’m so sorry you’re struggling and stressed with this, my advice would be to try and keep as busy as you can till that appointment comes through. There’s no answer we can give except to do that. 

    Sending you hugs xxx


  • I agree,it's a waiting game..the timing isn't the best with it being Christmas but I'll try and stay busy like you said.I have flagged it up so I'll have to leave the rest to hospital.

    Appreciate your kind message..thank you..Hearts️,have a lovely Christmas and New Year xx