Paclitaxel sore throat relief idead

  • 3 replies
  • 304 subscribers

Hi everyone, had my first session of paclitaxel this week after 4 sessions of Ec finally completed. Survived my steroid hot face/chest day yesterday (as experienced with EC) but last eve, through the night and so far today I've got a sore throat I can't shift despite copious drinks and sucking on sweets. Still able to eat though. 

Temp is normal so don't think it's infection.

Any good tips/suggestions to shift it and please tell me it fizzles out after a while?! 

  • Hi ToeBeans

    Sorry to hear that you are suffering from a sore throat after your first session of chemo.  I suggest that you ring your chemo nurse and ask them what else can they suggest to help with the sore throat.

    Hope it feels better soon.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Daisy, 

    Spoken to the chemo line, suggested I gargle with the awful mouthwash or try some salt water to gargle with!

    Hoping it does the trick

  • I got a sore throat too on Paclitaxel and it turned out to be oral thrush. Have a word with your chemo nurse xx