Fed up with waiting

  • 2 replies
  • 304 subscribers

I had a Mastectomy on November 4th and should have got my results last week so just over 3 weeks to wait. Christie’s rang to say results weren’t back so they’d be ringing me tomorrow and now they have just rang to say they still aren’t back and they are ringing next week. That’s nearly 5 and a half weeks of waiting on results. I’m so fed up and understand it’s not their fault but all this waiting is stressful Weary 

  • Hi Abunetball welcome to the forum. You are absolutely spot on this waiting is indeed stressful and I don't think medical folks always understand how stressful. Sometimes, dependant on what they are testing for some of the results go away to places like America for testing and that can put delays into the system. I'm.not sure of that's what's happening for you but I think you just keep calling and ask them to follow these impending results up. Hope you manage to get some results and answers..


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  • Hi Then waiting is always difficult.  I would phone them and discuss with them your anxiety. Also what is the cause of the delay. They must have an idea.  I have found it is helpful to give a gentle push.  It isn't always to their liking but you need more information.

    All the best
