This is scary

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  • 312 subscribers

I found a lump in my left breast about 2 - 3 weeks ago and got an appointment with the breast clinic just over a week later. Yesterday, I had 2 biopsies done with markers placed in there, and both armpit lymph nodes were enlarged so both were biopsied too.

I haven't been unwell in any way, just in a constant state of exhaustion and the lump was only tender to the touch.

It's a fantastic thing to be seen so quickly, but it all happened so fast that I feel like I couldn't focus on what was going on.

Today, I'm sore, even more exhausted and worried.

I'm hoping it's just an infection (although the antibiotics dont seem to be working too much) and they're just being overly precautious, but the speed at which it all happened has made me panic a bit.

How do you handle the wait In between the biopsies and the results? 

  • Hi Laura81 welcome to the forum.. I'm not surprised you are panicking a bit it's perfectly OK and also very normal to feel as you do. The person that comes up with definitive answers as to how best to handle that waiting time is going to make a fortune!!!!. The only thing I do know is to keep yourself super duper busy and keep yourself occupied. The other thing is to keep chatting in here and hearing from others about their stories. We have all been where you are so know exactly how you are feeling . 


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  • Hi,

    yes, this part of the process is horrid. The pace that you mention is pretty much standard, with some hospitals using a ‘one stop shop’ process, whereby examinations, scans and biopsies can happen on one single day, or at alarming speed over a short period. With respect to handling the wait, that is difficult. It’s a very common issue. People like myself try to keep very busy, but it’s not always easy or practical to do so, and you can get quite exhausted through it. However, you are in the system now, the hospital is in ‘information gathering’ mode, and once they have the results that they need (which might not be cancer) then they will know what to do. I’m sorry I can’t offer anymore advice, but certainly this forum is a supportive one, so do keep in touch if you need to. Xx

  • Thank you for replying. I've tried to clean the house to keep busy but my arms are too sore. 

    I'm more than likely just frightening myself, but it's the not knowing that's driving me insane. 

    I feel a little better now I've said it out loud as it were. Thank you for listening Purple heart 

  • Thank you for replying. 

    The clinic I went to was a 'one stop shop' as the receptionist called it. 

    They were all really lovely and made me feel at ease, but my head was not in the game. I just expected to have an examination and maybe an ultrasound....not the full monty. Caught me off guard a little.

    I'm almost sure it's an infection, but my mind has to have as many details as possible so it makes sense and I don't have them so went into a blind panic.

    Thank you for taking the time to answer and calm me down a little. It is very much appreciated.

  • Firstly don't be too hard on yourself, cut yourself a break. Rest in the knowledge that you have professional support and that you are being treated in a step by step way. They are not rushing to over diagnose, and you will be included in discussion and choices for any treatment you might need. It's good to keep busy and distracted while waiting for results, but also to rest if tired. Make time to see others and if you can confide in someone about your anxieties that can help too. May be go with someone when you get your results. Best wishes, Mouse.