Newly diagnosed

  • 2 replies
  • 301 subscribers

Hello I am newly diagnosed with breast cancer 

I am 30 years old and had always been told I was to young for bteast cancer. Had been to the doctors many times about breast pain and it feeling different.

Had a mammogram and they found abnormalities in my breast and took biopsies, they reckoned it was dcis.

Then to be tied there is an area of invasive breast cancer I am +++ . They told me the area was 12mm to begun with now after nri it's 60mm. 

I feel as though I keep having set backs and being knocked down with something else. I am so scared going forward I have a young daughter. Waiting on my appointment to start chemotherapy and will be having dmx as I have a large area of dcis in the left breast and I want to do anything I can not to be going through this again. I had a call to say after the mri that they are happy it's contained in my breast and not in either left or right lymph nodes. 

But I just can't help but fear the worst, just looking to see if anyone has similar diagnosis 

  • Hi, I’m pleased you reached out into this support group.

    There will be someone in here that has had a similar experience and they will be able to help you more than me but I didn’t want to leave you without answering.

    it’s always worrying at first diagnosis. I was diagnosed August 23 and my immediate treatment is now behind me. It passes so fast and I have nothing but praise for the doctors and specialist nurses.

    You can do this! Hopefully someone will help you more tomorrow but you’re not alone, there are many of us and we’re all in it together.

    Take care x

  • Thank you for replying , yes just had my final diagnosis on the 28th October so this last week had just been full of anxiety and unknown. I hope when I get my treatment plan I will start to feel better and push through this. We're all in this together MuscleHeartxx️