Give me the courage

  • 4 replies
  • 304 subscribers

3 years post double mastectomy. Grade 2 ductal & lobular. Hormone therapy 10 years . No chemo or radiotherapy.
Husband prostate cancer  7 years ago recently became active again with rising psa.  Brother, renal  cancer recently metastasised to lungs chemo pending …..   

… & now I’ve started experiencing increased scar nerve pain to one side, a swelling in my lower neck the size of a small grape  (which appears & disappears!) together with unpredictable coughing bouts. . No weight loss but increased fatigue but I am 67 looking after a disabled husband & supporting brother so I suppose that’s natural.  I feel like I’m a frequent flyer to the GP due to other issues.  Tell me what to do & say … will the GP ‘mark my card’ for time wasting if it’s nothing & the lump decides to be absent on the day of consultation? 

  • Wow you are dealing with a lot, you already are showing immense courage Heart️ if you’re worried about the gp then go straight to the BC nurses, you have a 5 year open referral. That said, whoever you contact won’t mark your card, you must look after your health, especially as others are leaning on you. If I were you, take a picture of the lump when it’s there to show whoever you consult just in case. You’re not wasting anyone’s time, look after yourself x

  • Hi Wren21

    I'm so sorry that you're having to go through all of this. We spend so much time worrying about and caring for others that we don't have enough left for ourselves. I imagine you're worried about 'piling on' but your health and welfare are just as important as everybody else's.

    As Anna says, you must contact a health professional and take a picture of the lump in case its not raised on the day you go. 

    Please find the courage to get it checked out. I know it's hard, but so much better to know one way or the other. And no one would give you a hard time for getting your health concerns checked out.

    I felt the need to reach out because I feel as though you don't want to worry your loved ones. I'm the same. Most of us are I think. 

    I hope you can find it in you to get an appointment set up and get checked out.

    Sending lots of love and courage to you.



  • Thank you. I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed recently. I'm so grateful you took the time to reply.  3 years on from surgery & I'm more anxious now than ever. I will take your advice although the lump isn't really visible. The blighter is there this morning but pea sized below the surface!  Maybe it's nothing but I will speak to the BC nurse.  xx

  • Thanks for the kind message. Waking up to find it really did make me feel stronger & supported without involving nearest & dearest. I will get it checked.  Thank you again. xx