Seroma after masectomy and implant reconstruction

  • 1 reply
  • 304 subscribers

Hi I wonder if anyone else has had any problems with Seromas after masectomy breast implant surgery.  I am currently 4 weeks post op and have had to have a large seroma in my breast drained via ultrasound guided aspiration twice.

The first time I could see my boob haf less pressure.  The last time I had this done Friday they pulled 150ml of fluid out and my breast has again swollen and feels really uncomfortable and is huge.  I will need to go again tomorrow but I am just wondering how long this might take to resolve and has anybody else had to have a seroma drained several times ? 



  • Hi Moonpig0114

    Sorry to hear that you are having problems with Seromas after your surgery.  While I didn't have a mastectomy I did have a problem with Seromas after my lumpectomy and had to have it drained several times.  It eventually resolved itself after about three weeks.

    Best wishes


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