Letrozole and insomnia

  • 6 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Does anyone who's on Letrozole experience interrupted  sleeping patterns?  I've been taking Let. for six months now and lately, I've been waking up at night, then taking ages to get back to sleep.    This is happening quite a lot and it's having an impact on my day.  I've got various things to do, as we all have, but that's turned on its head when I'm going short of sleep.  When I remember, I sprinkle some lavender oil on a cotton wool pad and that sometimes helps.  Does this ring a bell with anyone else and how are you coping with it?  

  • Hi Dulciana, I'm on Exemestane, which is a different aromatase inhibitor, and I'm also struggling to get back to sleep. 

    I spoke to a nice Macmillan nurse today. She recommended I:

    • stop watching TV / using any electronic devices an hour before bedtime
    • go to bed and get up at the same time every day
    • keep my bedroom cool
    • avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evening

    I'm pretty good at the last two, pretty bad at the first two Sweat smile 

    She also suggested I talk to my GP about Melatonin. 

    You're already using lavender. I'm glad that works sometimes. Someone else recommends Evening Primrose Oil. 

    Hope that's helpful, and we all get some rest tonight  Sleeping 

  • Yes, that is heplful, Bear and Tilly, thank you.  I'm okay at no. 2 and 3, and not so great at no. 1 or (sometimes) the second part of no. 4!    The stupid thing is that last night, I could have ticked all of these boxes but I still woke up for the day at 3.45am.   Melatonin and Evening Primrose Oil - thanks for mentioning these.  Will look into them.  Hope we all get some rest tonight, indeed!

  • Ladies!  Last night was much better for me and I want to tell you why.  I did wake as per normal.  On this occasion, I didn't let myself look at the clock but it was in the wee, small hours.  The usual angst kicked in, at facing another wrecked night.  And then I remembered something I'd read in a little book by the late Rabbi Lionel Blue.  He had found out that the combination of a banana and a glass of milk releases the sleep hormone seratonin. He tried it and it worked for him many times.  So last night, I trotted downstairs for a snack of the same, got back to bed and consumed said banana and milk, shut my eyes - and the next thing I knew, it was 6.05am.  I can now face the day. 

  • Wow ! That's wonderful. I might that. 

    I loved Lionel Blue. Great person to listen to on Thought for the Day.

  • Yes! I'm on exemestane and could barely sleep for a couple of years. Not great when I have a full time job. 

    I started a low dose anti depressant which has helped hugely. I can still have issues getting back to sleep at 4am but not as badly as before. I'm also able to fall asleep quicker than before, mostly. 

  • Hi I am on ribociclib + letrozole..Before starting I did some research (googling) and it seemed that ribociclib made you sleepy and letrozole waa the opposite. So I take my ribo and night just before bed and the letro when I wake up. It seems to help. I also get Alexa to Open Tibetan Bowls or Rain Sounds to help my mind relax.