Intermittent Anastrozole???

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This might well be controversial to ask here, but I've been on Anastrozole for 15 months now after Stage 2 ER positive diagnosis, full single mastectomy but not needing chemo or radiotherapy mercifully. So I know I'm 'lucky', but I've now fed up with the constant joint and bone pain since taking Anastrozole and want some respite. I've completely changed my diet to anti-inflammatory, given up alcohol, exercise a lot etc etc so really given it my best shot!  I was never assigned an oncologist and had no tests of likely recurrence risk. I done some deep Googling and found a paper written about taking AI drugs every other day and that it a. reduced the side effects significantly and b. made no difference to the recurrence risk. I wonder does anyone else have any opinion or knowledge on this? I promise I will discuss with my breast care team - to be clear I'm not about to stop taking Anastrozole but I'd love to know whether anyone else had the suggestion of every other day and some success in reducing the pain??