I think I'm just paranoid!

  • 1 reply
  • 315 subscribers

Hello All, 

Hope everyone is doing OK.

I think I might be over thinking things, but was wondering if anyone has experienced the same to put my mind at rest. I will contact the breast Care nurse but thought I'd ask you lovely people. 

I got diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in March 2023. I've had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and finally finished with radio therapy in February of this year. 

I'm not on any hormone tablets as they are not of a benefit to me.

Recently I get pains in my breast, but I just put it all down to hormones and my breast settling after all the treatments. ( I have breast implants, which are effected my Radiotherapy). Where my incision is, is also tender, and I have noticed it now feels a bit lumpy inside. I do think it could just be the implant around the scar tissue, but I'm also not sure. I feel like it moves a little so could be the implant, and it is on the incision so could just be that! 

Has anyone else experienced this, am I just paranoid!

  1. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you Blush xx 

  • Hi Ren 

    I was diagnosed with TN in March 23 had lumpectomy , chemo and radio . My breast and arm pit is still very sore I think I have a bit of lymphoedema . My first mammogram was all clear so I’m not worried . I think it’s normal I have friends who say after 5 years theirs is still sore . It’s hard not to all think things !! Good luck