I think I'm just paranoid!

  • 8 replies
  • 308 subscribers

Hello All, 

Hope everyone is doing OK.

I think I might be over thinking things, but was wondering if anyone has experienced the same to put my mind at rest. I will contact the breast Care nurse but thought I'd ask you lovely people. 

I got diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in March 2023. I've had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and finally finished with radio therapy in February of this year. 

I'm not on any hormone tablets as they are not of a benefit to me.

Recently I get pains in my breast, but I just put it all down to hormones and my breast settling after all the treatments. ( I have breast implants, which are effected my Radiotherapy). Where my incision is, is also tender, and I have noticed it now feels a bit lumpy inside. I do think it could just be the implant around the scar tissue, but I'm also not sure. I feel like it moves a little so could be the implant, and it is on the incision so could just be that! 

Has anyone else experienced this, am I just paranoid!

  1. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you Blush xx 

  • Hi Ren 

    I was diagnosed with TN in March 23 had lumpectomy , chemo and radio . My breast and arm pit is still very sore I think I have a bit of lymphoedema . My first mammogram was all clear so I’m not worried . I think it’s normal I have friends who say after 5 years theirs is still sore . It’s hard not to all think things !! Good luck 

  • It may well be nothing at all but please do check it out with the BC team, it’s not the ‘normal’ you’ve experienced so far so flag it. All the best x

  • Hi Ren82,

    I had a lumpectomy earlier this year and lymph nodes removed, finished my radiotherapy and now doing okay. A few weeks ago I spotted a lesion underneath the boob were I had my op, it concerned me, so I went to my GP,who referred me to dermatology. It turned out to be a large cebaceous mole, so the Doctor froze it. However, she did say I did the right the right thing getting it checked out.

    It could just be something and nothing, but if it continues to bother you, then ring your breast cancer nurse and get it checked out - you don’t need more worry.

    Keeping fingers and everything crossed for you.

    Love and hugs.xxx

  • I'm 9 years down the line from lumpectomy.  I've had breast pains throughout the years,  Found out 6 years after surgery they'd left metal markers in to mark tumour bed,  I get more twinges when I'm unwell or when waiting for scan results!  For peace of mind get it checked though.  

  • Thank you, think I'm over thinking it, but will speak to BC nurse. X

  • Thank you , I will contact the CB nurse x

  • Glad all turned out OK. I think I'm just over thinking things, but will contact the BC nurse. X

  • Oh wow, bless you. I also get lots of twinges. Which i do expect but will get it checked though. 

    Thank you x