Help with waiting…

  • 2 replies
  • 318 subscribers

I had a biopsy last Wednesday and they said it was most definitely cancer, I have just got an appointment through for 3rd October for results and I’m actually going insane waiting, I feel ill, I’m not sleeping, I’ve now got tinnitus in my ears constantly, I’m trying to hide it from my two young daughters until I know more. How do people cope? I’ve been signed off work due to having shingles so it’s just awful. Cry 

  • You poor poor thing

    honestky this is the worst bit

    once you meet the team and realise that it’s their daily bread and butter and the outlook is usually excellent you will feel much more in control

    also SO hard keeping a brave face on and pretending everything is fine. I didn’t want to tell my family at all but once I did it felt like a huge weight off. And before you ask - your girls will be fine……especially once they know there’s a plan 

    best of luck you you 

  • Hi CLK81,

    I was exactly the same as you but I had vulva cancer.  They told meat my first appointment I had vulva cancer without any results.  I could not sleep eat or function properly. I was referred to the complementary medicine team and they gave me an inhaler made of cedar oil, lavender and ylang-ylang, you just use it when you feel the anxiety kicking in. Also the head of that team Neil Browne has put some meditation sessions on YouTube and they are very helpful, would not have got through 2022 without them.  Ask either your Macmillian nurse or the specialist nurse about the inhaler I was under Bart’s hospital trust in London.  Also like you I was signed off work as I just could not think straight and had to keep going to different appointments. Ended up being signed off from April to December some of which was because I needed 2 ops and recuperation after each was 6 weeks. Was not allowed to do any housework so enjoyed that bit. 

    on the plus side I was on blood pressure meds before the op but when I went in the hospital took me off all blood pressure medication and I have not had to take any since.  I do think that the meditation helped with that too.

    i hope that you can get that inhaler it’s just like the Vicks one,  there is always someone on these forums that can give you advice based on their journeys. Good luck on the 3rd and let us know how you get on.