What can I eat

  • 6 replies
  • 305 subscribers

Hey everyone

So just done round 3 of chemo last Friday and normally I'm back to normal by now...well normalish..symptoms have been manageable but lasting a little longer this time..aching constipation..flu like feeling but the worst is my taste..I lose it the day after chemo and usually lasts around 5 days but its been a week now and my mouth is still numb..I was advised not to eat my favourite things as it.might put me off them..I've just been having plain things..weetabix..bran flakes..ham or cheese sandwich but even these things are not tasting right this time and the texture of most things is not good...just wondered if anyone had any tips or things they had tried that helped..I've not much appetite for the first few days anyway but again.this time I'm hungry then really fed up when I eat and it is horrible..

  • I found that I could eat salty things like mini cheddars.

    or creamy things like crème caramel 

    it’s a horrible side effect isn’t it x

  • I second the mini cheddars! My appetite hasn't been right since surgery; I've only had one lot of chemo so far. I'm living on an 'if I fancy it I'll eat it' diet, which makes food shopping quite tricky as I never know what I will want from one day to the next! At the minute I'm enjoying smoked fish with new potatoes and broccoli - I've had that the past couple of nights. Red onion and chive bagels work for me too. 

    Tricky isn't it - we need to eat to keep our strength up but navigating what food works for us is a bit of a palaver :/

  • Avoid curry fishcakes RoflRofl I thought I'd bought prawn and cod fishcakes with a mozzarella centre...turns out it was a masala centre...don't recommend Rofl Think my brain is mush!

  • Before I started chemo somebody in the waiting room gave me the advice to eat what you can when you can when you are on chemotherapy.

    it turned out to be very good advice.

  • Hi

    Everything tastes like cardboard. I find ice cream ice lollies, pineapple at least taste like it should. Chicken noodle soup is ok. I am on my fourth and seems to last longer each time.

  • Hey amy18...thankyou thankyou thankyou...I had no idea about pineapple..but my sister just picked me some up and it's honestly the nicest tasting thing I've eaten in the last 10 days..I never would of thought to try pineapple but the other half will be stocking up tomorrow...x