Forgive my yucky post

  • 2 replies
  • 317 subscribers

I have been treated for IDC since Aug 23 , have had chemo and a few weeks ago I had radiotherapy , on AI and still having Herceptin . I am also being investigated for secondary bone . As I undressed tonight I was taken aback by the pong of my BC breast. It was the nipple. There isn’t a discharge and it’s not red or inflamed. I’ve had a thorough wash and it’s still stinky. Has anyone else experienced this ? Thanks 

  • Hi OlivaGA

    I suggest that you contact your breast care nurse tomorrow and explain what's happening if the pong is still there tomorrow and they should be able to advise you what to do.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • I will do, thank you. I noticed just now that my bra was a bit smelly too , presumably there must have been a discharge at some point today and it’s stopped . Hopefully just a simple blocked duct or something . Thanks again for your prompt reply .