Chemo advice

  • 15 replies
  • 309 subscribers

I've been diagnosed with Her2 positive breast cancer and start my dreaded chemo next Thursday. Just wondering whether to have something to eat before it and can u eat while having it? 

  • Hi  

    I always had lunch before I had chemo as my appointments were usually at 2pm. 

    There's no problem with you eating while having the chemo, in fact the nurses on the unit were always bringing around drinks and biscuits.

    If I was there over lunchtime then sandwiches, fruit and yoghurt were offered

    Some people brought snacks in with them. If you're having chemo via a cannula in the back of your hand then don't bring food in packaging that needs two hands to open it.

    Whilst on the subject of only using one hand, it's best to wear trousers that don't have zips or fiddly buttons as doing them up after visiting the toilet can be difficult while hooked up!

    All the best for Thursday 

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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • My appointments were 9am ,so I used to have a bowl of cereal when I got up .They would offer tea ,biscuits etc all the time when I was actually having the chemo ,and about midday would bring trays of sandwiches round .I took a banana ,cereal bar and some sweeties or chocolate as a treat for me  x

  • I'm also starting chemo next Thursday! I'm planning on having a light breakfast before I go in, my appointment is at 9.30am. I'll probably take some snacks and boiled sweets with me. Are you cold capping? 

  • Hi

    My appointments are usually around 10 am. Cereal fruit and yogurt for breakfast. Took squash and water with me. Also took lemon sherbets as some of the chemo can give a metallic taste. Was given sandwich and hot drink whilst there. Agree about easy to open trousers….i wore leggings so didn’t have a problem when I needed the toilet. 

  • I tended to have my chemo about 11/11:30am so I would have breakfast and used to take fresh fruit with me. They came round with tea/coffee and biscuits. And also sandwiches in little packets which were a pain to try and open when you are hooked up! Like someone else mentioned I used to take boiled sweets with me. Someone bought me queasy drops but I’d also take lemon sherbet’s from Aldi. 

  • Yeah I'm going to give it a try r u?

  • Yep I'm going to have a go...not sure if I'll stick with it but going to try!

  • Let me know how u get on. How u feeling about it all? I'm not sleeping and getting upset all the time I'm just not coping with it. I've made an appointment with doctor today to see if they can give me something to calm me down 

  • Hi Mum45

    Sorry to hear your diagnosis. I have been battling cancer since last June and next week start another round of chemo/ immunotherapy. You can eat during treatment but you may lose your appetite and not be able to taste much.

    It is all very scary I know and the fear of the unknown is worrying. Talk to one of the specialists on here if you are up to it as they are really good and can answer your questions.

    I am on here regularly in the oesophagal forum so if you need a chat or ask me anything I will try to help as well

    Best wishes 


  • Thank you Dean I will give it a go . Good luck with your next lot of treatment hope it goes well xxx