Thyroid swelling?

  • 2 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi All

Has anyone had an issue with nodules on the thyroid? I am two and a half years into diagnosis (Chemo, SM. radiotherapy & cape) and have developed a lump on my thyroid. I have to go for an ultrasound biopsy and also a bone scan due to pain in my collar bone. Just wondering if anyone else has had anything similar?

Thanks in advance x

  • Hi LIsaJD Im wondering if you meant to post in the Breast Cancer thread or the Thyroid thread. Im just checking as if it is the Thyroid thread you were looking for I can put a link into this message to that thread for you if thats any help?  



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  • Sorry, just re-read my post and should have put 2 1/2 years into Breast Cancer diagnosisRolling eyes and that it had been posted twice!