Awaiting clinic and anxious

  • 12 replies
  • 320 subscribers

Hi all,

I've got my breast clinic appointment next week under 2 week rule and I am STRESSED! (Which I know is super helpful ) 

I've got a mix of symptoms that have led me here and I've let myself down by searching Dr Google and telling myself I do and then definitely don't have something wrong...

Symptoms are nipple inversion, tingling in my breast and a lump in the top/armpit side of my breaat. There may or may not be little bumps leading up to my armpit (paranoia or real who knows now)

I'm anxious about the appointment, what to expect and what to think about/ask (if it isn't cancer then why am I not OK and what to do or look out for) and I'm terrified of needles.... what if they need to biopsy

Any and all experiences welcome... fear of the unknown causing trouble here!

  • They will probably use a 3D mammogram machine to build up a detailed picture and then take a look with ultrasound. If there are areas of concern, they will biopsy them. Don’t worry, the only needle prick you will feel is when they give you local anaesthesia, you won’t feel the biopsies once this is done. My experience was that they told me what they thought it was (in my case cancer) and I was given an appointment about 12 days later for the results. At that point they confirmed it was breast cancer and had the tests back to tell me which type (in my case grade 3 TNBC). They also had the first steps of my treatment plan. You will meet one of the breast care nurses at the first meeting, they are there to support you throughout what ever comes next. 

    I am sorry you find yourself here and wish you all the best. 

  • Thank you so much for taking time to reply... it really means a lot. Thank you for sharing your experience, it helps my mind settle knowing what to expect (and that there will be anaesthetic if needs be)

    I keep writing things (and then deleting said things) that seem so daft and insignificant in the grand scheme right now! 

    An overactive mind over here.

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, I appreciate you sharing with me. Sending gentle hugs and best wishes.

  • Hi

    My experience at the fast track clinic was an initial examination by the consultant. Then up to breast imaging for a mammogram. Next I had an ultrasound, when they also took 3 biopsies. I also had a clip inserted to easily identify the area of concern. Yes you get the usual sharp scratch from the local anaesthetic, but the biopsies I just felt some pressure. Another mammogram to see if the clip was in the right place, then returned to the consultant. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that the diagnosis was going to be positive, which it was. The consultant looked at all the images and confirmed that there was an area of concern. At least I wasn’t kept waiting. My next appointment merely confirmed type, dcis, Er and Pr positive grade 2. 

    Good luck. 

  • My experience was basically the same as Lovely Louis. I saw the consultant, who examined me and drew a circle around the lump, then it was off to mammogram followed by an ultrasound. The radiographer took some biopsies and inserted a marker, then another mammogram and back to the consultant. 

    Even though they can't say for certain without the test results, I was told there and then that they were pretty sure it was breast cancer. My results were in two weeks later: IDC stage 2 grade 2 ER + PR +.

    Best of luck with your appointment x

  • Hi, the waiting and wondering (and worrying) is the toughest time for many people, so try to distract yourself for the coming days. I know this is easier said than done.   Also I'd recommend to avoid Dr Google, but this link below to Macmillan might help you. As for needles, I was lying on my side a bit for the biopsy so I didn't see a thing!  Best wishes 

    Breast cancer info

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you for sharing your experience - I really appreciate it. 

    I'm feeling that knowledge is power (but actual knowledge- not dr Google) 

    Sending gentle hugs and best wishes x

  • Thank you for taking time to reply - it's much appreciated. I don't have anyone close who has been in a similar position so I'm grateful to you wonderful folks on this page. My hubby offered to come with me to the appointment but I think I'd rather sit in my bubble and deal with any info should there be any to share.

    Sending gentle hugs and best wishes to you xx

  • If needs be I think I'll request to be positioned where I can see as little as possible or they may also be dealing with a fainter!

    Thank you for the link - I'll have a look now (and I've self-banned from Dr Google) Laughing

  • Just one thought about your appointment. I went on my own, but they did give me a signal that it was most probably cancer (to be fair, this was a surprise, I really thought it would be a cyst) but I then had to drive myself home. In hindsight I wish hubby had been there, at the very least to drive me.  We're all different of course, just something to consider. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • I saw a lovely Advanced Nurse Practitioner first who examined me. My only symptom was breast pain and a feeling of heaviness. No lump. She sent me for 3D mammogram and targeted ultrasound. Mammogram showed an increase in microcalcifications from last mammogram, ultrasound showed lots of cysts but no mass. Had a stereotactic biopsy yesterday as mammogram was 'indetermined'. I had a clip inserted too afterwards so biopsy area can be found again if need be. I was sitting down throughout. All staff were so calming and helpful. Procedure was uncomfortable but not as bad as I had feared.  Results in a week - 10 days, which I'm dreading. Dr Google doesn't help and I'm guilty of doing that a lot. 

    Hope this helps a little.