Armpit burns

  • 4 replies
  • 316 subscribers

I had Dcis surgery about a year ago on my left breast with radiotherapy treatment after. Is it possible to suffer armpit burns and blisters after all this time. Should I be worried. 

  • Hi Boro welcome to the forum. Do you use as a spray deodorant or anti perspirant? It is possible that something you are using or even shaving under your arms could be causing this. It's taken Me a while and I now use a roll on it is much more gentle on your skin. Even some of the skin products you use like Washing powder or bath soaks as examples or even soap can trigger a reaction to skin which is super sensitive after treatment. Worth a try ..xx


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  • Hi Boro,

    I had a lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed four months ago and a couple of weeks ago finished my radiotherapy. I was  told not to use any deodorants for a while, so when I get a bit sweaty under my left arm (were I had surgery) I soaked a flannel in warm water, which contained a small amount of tea tree antiseptic wash. This is a very natural wash and I have had no problems, in fact my Doctor thinks I’ve healed extremely well.

    I think Granny59 has some valid points, but as it had been a year now, I would be inclined to get my Doctor to check it out to rule out infection.

    I hope it all gets better soon and send you loads of love and

  • Hello GRANNY59

    Thanks for your reply. Have been trying to use a natural deodorant since my surgery. Can't seem to find one that works. Will try a roll on and hope things get better. Thank you for the advice. xx


  • Hello Boobybabe2

    Many thanks for replying.

    Will try what you suggest and hopefully between yours and Gail's advise things might get better. If not will go to doctor. 

    You're had a rough time, hope you are ok and that you continue get better. Sending you big hugs and love. Take care xxx