Summary of my cancer so far. Triple Negative Invasive Ductal cancer, grade 3, stage 2 at diagnosis in left breast. 33mm on ultrasound. Chemo (EC) did nothing, and neither did paxiltaxel and carboplatin. Within 2 months of diagnosis the tumour grew and needed a mastectomy with very wide margins and delayed reconstruction. Had 15 sessions of radiotherapy and capecitebin - which was stopped after 5 cycles due to side effects. Last medical treatment was March 22.
Had DIEP reconstructions Feb 23 and reduction of non cancer breast in Sept 23. Discharged from surgical treatment in Dec 23.
Joined gym in Dec and regularly attend (3 days per week). Only do cardio - bike, treadmill and very small amount on rowing machine.
Had first post surgery mammgram in March 24 - had to wait whilst Doctor gave an initial review as spotted something - but felt was post surgery changes. Results at the time were taking approximately 2 months.
In April 24 contacted Breast nurse as non cancer breast/reduced breast was quite firm at the bottom and was slightly red. Had ultrasound and biospy and was confirmed as surgical changes. Very relieved. Dialled things down at the gym. Hardness has pretty much resolved.
Two weeks ago found nodule in armpit near breast on non cancer breast/reduced breast. Is about size of a mint imperial (1-1.5cm). Not very hard, bit gristly. If you press on the side feels like it moves a bit. This is not in the same area as the hardness I previously had. But wondered if this was scar tissue too. Not sure if this was present when I had the original hardness in April.
Should I worry? Given the tests they did in March and April, I don't want to bother the Breast nurses again! They have only just told me that everything in that area is clear. I am sure it is unlikley that something has developed in that area since the ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. But, as you know you cannot help but worry.
If I see my GP, they are all very young and just follow protocols (which I suppose is why they have protocols) and they will just refer me to Breast clinic.
I don't want to be the 'boy who cried wolf'.
What do you think?
Hi Snookie1971 , sorry you’re having these worries after a gruelling enough time already . I’m with moomy re contacting the breast nurse. I don’t think anyone would think you’re wasting their time. As you’ve said, it’s unlikely to be anything of concern so soon after your recent examinations but none of us can tell what is and isn’t ‘right’ so I’d definitely ask to be seen. It’ll only keep niggling you. Hope you can get seen soon and that all is well. Love and hugs, HFxx
I think you should contact your breast cancer nurse. I was like you - not wanting to bother them too much - but they reassured me that that is what they are there for and nothing is too small to bother them about. One of them said if we don't call with our worries they will be out of a job - so please call them as it sounds like you need some professional reassurance and there might be something they can do to make you more comfortable.
Big hugs
Thank you ladies for taking the time to respond. It is appreciated.
It was exactly the advice I was expecting (and probably what I'd advise others to do).
I've still been in a quandary. The lump is in the non cancer/reconstructed breast. That breast was mammogrammed in March and ultrasounded and biospied in April. All clear, just post surgical changes.
The lump is in a different location to where they biospied. But still a mammogram and an ultrasound didn't pick anything up. It would be unlikely to develop since then.
But on the other hand I know I really should discuss any changes such as this lump.
If my GP was any good I'd go to see them. But I've had all sorts of problems with poor service, conflicting advice etc.
Husband just passes it off as scar tissue, which is what I think it is by the way. Best friend is keen for me to get it checked.
So I go around in circles. And then I realise a few weeks have gone by.
Still not sure what to do.....
I've been to get a couple of changes checked out in the 3 years since surgery. Both times they have been scar tissue, but both times all the people I saw (surgeon, radiologists) said I did the right thing in coming to check it out. They would much rather people checked to be sure.
I have been very lucky with my GP and each time, she has been on the phone to the hospital to ask about protocol, given I'm still going through treatment with hormone therapy, and each time, she has just had to email the surgeon.
The hospital has then called me for the appointment.
Both times has been scar tissue but I'm really glad I went. My GP said they are more cautious with me now, so I have been to see them about other worries and they have sent me straight off for scans, or done other tests. All good so far, but you shouldn't hesitate to get yourself checked out.
If you don't think your GP is any good, then bypass them and go straight to your BCN, they will not mind you checking out a lump. After all, you have had BC, so you are right to get any changes at all checked out.
Finally, my BCN said that there should be 'no surprises' for my yearly mammograms and that I should be regularly self-checking if everything is OK. Any changes should be checked immediately and not wait until your next mammogram.
Hi all,
Just an update for anyone who is interested.
I went to see my GP who referred me. Thankfully or luckily, I got a cancellation appointment for the Breast Clinic.
The upshot is the post surgery changes spotted in April are resolving very well. They did spot something on the ultrasound, at the 11o'clock position on my breast - this correlated with the new lump I could feel. They say that it is thought to be an area of fatty tissue or fat necrosis.
They are to repeat the scan in two month time, just to be on the safe side.
So to summarise, it is new as it was not on the original ultrasound scan in April. I am assuming that they are repeating the scan, even though they think it is nothing to worry about as it is a new change in recent weeks and month.
I still felt that I had wasted their time UNTIL they said that they would repeat the scan. Shows that they have a few questions that they want to answer - although it is reassuring that they haven't needed to rush to to do anything.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. x
Hi Snookie1971 , that all sounds very thorough and definitely reassuring. Always better to be checked out. Love and hugs, HFxx
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