Tamoxifen and bleeding

  • 2 replies
  • 302 subscribers

I've been on Tamoxifen for 18 months following my lumpectomy and radiotherapy. 

Because my cancer was hormone fed, I had to get my coil removed immediately and I'm now unable to take HRT. I've no idea if I am through the menopause or not! I'm 50 and because of the coil, I didn't really get periods so not really sure when I had a proper period.

I've had treatment for pre cervical cells twice and had to get laser treatment twice to remove the ccells. My last treatment was December 2022.

8 weeks ago, I had severe bleeding which lasted approx 12 days. The period was so heavy I was having to change every 20 mins. I consulted my GP immediately who took some bloods. They all came back ok, apart from my vitamin d levels were low...

She said she would refer me to gynae for an appointment, but not heard back yet. Today,  I've started bleeding again but it's black blood. My stomach is cramping and my back is really sore.  I'm now worried I might have ovarian or cervical cancer as I've read there is an increased risk whilst taking Tamoxifen. I phoned GP again today to chase apt.

Has anyone else had similar bleeding whilst on Tamoxifen? 

  • Hello Lozzy

    I am sorry to hear that you have had heavy bleeding, cramps and that your back is sore. It must be really unpleasant and concerning.

    You have done the right thing in contacting your GP. I am normally to be found in the womb group and have heard ladies who have had similar bleeding with tamoxifen. What I would suggest is to call the GP back and ask if it would be an idea to have an urgent referral for a transvaginal scan. This would be able to measure the thickness of you womb lining and have a closer look. It's a quick and painless test- a little uncomfortable perhaps but worth it. 

    You could also perhaps check when your last cervical screening was and maybe ask if it is worth booking in for one. Am thinking that then, by the time you see the gynaecologist- some of the testing will be ready. 

    If it would help, perhaps consider giving the Support Line a call and having a chat with one of the nurses.

    Hope you can get an appointment with gynae soon and are able to get some reassurance.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane.

    I've been given an urgent appointment- unfortunately still another 3 weeks away.  Mind going into over drive - as usual!!

    Have convinced myself this is secondary cancer :(