Mum's recent diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 316 subscribers

My (20) Mum (57) had her biopsy results today and was diagnosed with Grade 3 ductal carcinoma with high grade DCIS. (ER and HER2 positive). More information given next week. Been doing my research today but am a little confused - is ductal carcinoma breast cancer or pre-breast cancer? Is it intensive? I've seen it described as 'Stage 0' but it is spreading quickly so am confused about that. Not sure about lymph nodes etc. Anyone with any experience or information able to help me?

Thanks so much.

  • Hi, sorry to hear of your Mum's diagnosis, and I agree, the terminology can be quite confusing. I am not an expert, but this information might help you Breast cancer info

    Also, the lovely folks at MacMillan are always at the end of the phone to chat things through. You can call them on 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

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