Radiotherapy late effects

  • 8 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Hello, I finished radiotherapy at the beginning of March but my breast and ribs and scar are so tender.  I dodnt expect it would still feel like that.  There is no swelling or redness but hurts if the area is touched.  I wondered if this was something that improves and how long it takes or whether it will always be sore like this?  Thanks for any advice or anyone's experience of this  xx

  • Hi, I struggle with this and sorry to hear you are too.  I was diagnosed with lymphoedema, and I was referred to the late effects clinic where they gave me some massage techniques to have lymphatic drainage.  You might ask your medical team if this is an option for you. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you so much for your message, I have always been reluctant to contact the BCN in case they felt I was bothering them but think I will try and speak to them.  Thanks so much x

  • I finished radio treatment in end January, little aches pains and twitches but it was only since end march been lot pain, redness  lympho and doctor thinks fibrosis on scar ,was given antibiotics from doctor, has slightly reduced swelling and redness but hurts and is difficult to do things such as hoover or anything that uses muscles in arm underarm and chest, I do have fybromyalgia so poss that could be making worse . I guess I should go see BCN but its so far to travel for me , It could just be late onset reaction from radiotherapy../?

  • Thank you so much for your message and sorry to hear about your discomfort.  Hoping it eases for you soon 

  • Finished rads a year ago. Still have pain & tenderness!

  • Sorry to hear that you are still suffering  Thank you for your message. 

  • Hello Angie, firstly well done for getting this far with your treatment. So sorry to read that you are feeling so uncomfortable, however please call your breast cancer team, believe me you are not bothering anyone, they are around for you.

    Wishing you well going forward, fingers crossed for a good outcome 

    hugs PrayRainbowPrayRainbow

  • Thank you, wishing you well too x