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  • 320 subscribers

Hi, I’m struggling with my stomach on this, it’s now been 5 weeks since starting it. If I have the dosage reduced can anyone report if this has settled their stomach problems.   


  • Hi, I'm sorry that I can't answer you myself,  but I noticed you've not had any responses yet and the site is busy.  My answer will bump you back to the top of the page and I hope someone with the right experience will be along soon. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi  I started on 150mg and also struggled with stomach issues. While I did work out how to manage it with the help of Loperamide, I did have a dose reduction after about 4 months, down to 100mg, after low neutrophils. That dosage worked out just right for me and I stayed on it until the end of the 2 years without any issues.

    Wishing you all the best x

  • Thanks for your response, I was wondering if I just took one if the Loperamide daily it might sort me out but I’m not sure if that’s ok to do that? I’m speaking to my oncologist on Tuesday but I really don’t want to reduce the dosage, I know it is still meant to be as effective but it’s just the way I think I want the full dose.

  • Hi Piritaxi

    I have been taking Abemaciclib for 15 months and  I have remained on 150mg twice daily. My experience has been that whilst I had to rush to the loo quite a bit in the early days, if I avoid eating for a couple of hours before and after I take the tablets then I don't have tummy issues  I have also found that certain foods can cause tummy issues. I  would also say that research shows that dose reductions can help with the tummy issues without impacting the efficacy of the drugs. I hope things improve for you as I.believe it is worth persevering if you can because the most recent research published in October 2023 showed Abemaciclib to be very effective in reducing recurrence .

    Best wishes 


  • Thanks Lizzie, I’ll change the order if medications to follow your advice as I need to eat before the exemestane so I’ll just have that later on. Maybe dinner time so I don’t forget to have it! I’m glad it’s settled down for you x

  • Hi Pritaxi

    I think there is a bit of trial and error involved as different things work for different people but fingers crossed that something will be effective so that those tummy issues will improve for you.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi, hope you won't mind me tagging on to this discussion. I'm about 5 weeks into abemaciclib but started on the 100mg dose. I've been having the tummy cramps and diarrhoea.  I tried taking loperamide one day but it made me feel dizzy. I've been scared to try it since as I need to be able to drive. Just wondered if you've taken loperamide and been dizzy or is it just me?


  • Hi, I spoke to my oncologist this morning and she said that it’s ok for me to take 2 loperamide in the morning to ease the stomach issues. I’ve done that this morning and haven’t been the loo at all today. (From one extreme to another), I’ve normally been about 3 times before lunch. I haven’t had any dizziness at all. Have you told you oncologist about the dizziness? I think you should get in touch with them about it. Good luck x

  • Hi, I had bad stomach so they reduced down to 150mg and that has helped. Good luck