Using moisturiser following surgery

  • 3 replies
  • 315 subscribers

  • Hi Langkawi22,

    I too am five weeks post op, after having a lumpectomy and two lymph nodes removed and like you, my scars are healing very well.

    vermouth i am due to start radiotherapy in a few weeks and received a phone call from a clinical radiologist, who told me to start creaming my skin from now, so it’s in good condition for the start of treatment. I told her I had bought Baby Aveeno,  which is is very gentle (don’t get adult Aveeno) and also have E45 cream and she said either would be fine. I am using the baby Aveeno and my skin is lovely.

    i would make sure the wound is properly healed and maybe, jut moisture round it, but do talk to to your Breast Cancer Nurse if you are unsure.

    I hop some of this helps and my good wishes for your speedy recovery.

    Take care, love and hugs.xx

  • I brought adult Aveeno and have been using this to moisturise my scar and around the skin. So far it seems fine. Very easy to apply. 

  • Thankyou for your advice x