Occasional pains

  • 3 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Hi All

I had my surgery nearly 3 years ago, but have started with shooting pains in nipple,and like a sore pains on rib. I presume the rib pain is from Radiotherapy,  and bra placement.  Anyone else had pains so long after surgery? X

  • I’ve been thinking of asking this one myself ! My treatment was 2 yrs ago and I still have sore pectoral muscles every day despite doing Pilates, yoga and swimming every week. In addition I get sharp stabbing pains directly over my surgery site. I did check with the BCT who simply said that breast tissue was very sensitive and it can take years for nerve damage and radiotherapy damage to repair. Although I’m obviously grateful for the treatment, this is a little disheartening and I do wonder if everyone gets pain so long after treatment, and how long is ‘a few years’ ?

  • I too have sore pec muscles, especially when I exercise.I started swimming on holiday and my muscle went super tight. It loosened up a gain after a few days rest ( but is permanently tight). My consultant checked me over and said I’d strained the muscle and needed to rest and use Voltarol. I don’t think it helped much. I then started stretching again. Last weekend I looked after my one year old granddaughter for a day which meant lifting her now and agin but suffered the following day with the extreme tightness again. I’m only 9 months post surgery and rads but hoping one day to get rid of the tightness. I don’t get stabbing pains so don’t think I have nerve damage.

  • Yep....me too. 18 months after surgery I have recently had dreadful pain, in breast and scar tissue moving up my neck and down my arm....BCN advised it was fairly normal.   Its not so bad now after about 5 weeks....