Infection around nipple getting me down

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I just noticed this morning what looks like an infection around my nipple and areola. I’m 3 months post surgery and around 10 days post radiotherapy. It’s really getting me down, just when I feel like things are improving something else happens. Several weeks ago I had nipple discharge which thankfully turned out to be nothing sinister and now this. I have rang 111 and am waiting on a call back from the urgent care centre. I am hoping I can get an appointment so that I am not sitting in the waiting area for ages and potentially pick up more nasty bugs.  My 5 minutes of ranting.

  • Hi  , sorry you’re having this issue, hope you can get something sorted. Have you tried calling the radiotherapy unit? Actually I’m guessing it’s shut at the weekend. I was told that I could contact mine up to 2 weeks after radiotherapy finished, as the effects carry on and peak around that time. My nipple really suffered during rads and it got sorer and sorer. I escaped an infection but it went almost black, finally a huge scab fell off about 12 weeks after rads. It felt like a relief (although a shock as I hadn’t realised it was a scab, initially it was as if the end of my nipple had fallen off! Ugh sorry if tmi) as I think the scab was pulling. Anyway it all resolved over many months and its new normal is inverted. I think permanently. Like you I have also had nipple discharge (in my case a couple of years after my op), it was investigated but nothing found and hasn’t happened again. 
    Sorry, long ramble (I blame Anastrozole), hope you get a prompt appointment. Do tell them you’ve had radiotherapy so recently as they may need to get advice from a radiation team. Love and hugs, HFxx 

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Thank you so much for your response. I had a video appointment with the urgent care doctor who had a good look at the nipple. I also made her aware of the fact that I’ve just finished radiotherapy. I’ve been prescribed an antibiotic cream fucidin and advised to contact breast team which I was going to do anyway. I’ve never used it before and a bit reluctant to use it. I am not convinced she was thorough in her assessment, and I’m just a  nurse! I am just reading on it now. All this is so very frustrating. Monday can’t come soon enough. Thanks again 

  • Hi  , I had a potential skin breakdown under my breast towards the end of my radiotherapy (3 weeks then, often a week now), it got very red, but thankfully stayed intact. I was told by the rads team that it would be best seen by them if it did break down, rather than my GP or practice nurse, as they might not have dealt with what would really have been a radiation burn. Luckily it resolved itself. When I had a skin infection round the nipple and part of the breast, many months later, my GP gave me antibiotics as he was worried it could develop into cellulitis. I think it was flucloxacillin? I haven’t had fucidin cream. It’s all so difficult at the weekend as the right people are simply not available. You’re in a horrible position. Probably worse being a nurse yourself! Hope you can speak to someone at the breast clinic on Monday. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • It is so difficult for sure as these issues tend to happen on a weekend when the right people are not around.

    I was given a cream by the radiotherapy team “active heal hydrogel” to use only on broken skin. But I couldn’t see broken skin and what looks like pus was in some of the creases around the areola.  I have used the antibiotic in the end in the hope that it could potentially prevent it worsening. I don’t know, I just need it to be Monday already.