High blood pressure

  • 5 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Hello. Has anyone experienced high blood pressure while taking letrozole and having zoladex injections. Its listed as a side effect but as I've never had high blood pressure before I'm quite shocked it's happened to me. Many thanks.

  • Hi  , I haven’t had this (I’m on Anastrozole) but thought I’d reply to send a hug and to bump your post back up to the top. Hopefully you’ll get some replies from people in a similar situation. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I am on Anastrozole and zoledronic acid and have just been diagnosed with high blood pressure , have just started additional meds to try to control it.  I am really starting to rattle with all the tablets I am now taking. Joy

  • Thank you. Yes I've started more meds too. I know what you mean about rattling! Never taken so many tablets x 

  • Hi Steph

    Oh my god, yeah! I am on zolerdack/gorserol injections and my last bp  reading was high. I have to get a monitor fitted to wear for 24 hours. This will take a bp reading every half hour and every Cryhour during the night. I read your post and I am kind of tearful Cry because I have been so worried. I am relatively fit, exercise regularly and eat well. Don’t drink a lot of alcohol and was concerned that my heart is dodgy as well as having cancer. I started injections Jan this year and started letrozol March and I am experiencing high bp, my heart races, and I have small fatty deposits on my left eye lid ( a sign of high cholesterol). I have all these effects, since starting treatment in Jan. I told my oncologist and have had a full bloods done. I get the monitor fitted 23 rd as well as another blood test to check cholesterol. I am none the wiser as yet, but I will post an update on here after my results are in and I can get some sort of diagnosis.

    stay strong and positive 


  • The dreaded blood pressure monitor. I had that too! Gave me serious anxiety and bruises on my arm. I'm now having regular checks and on ramipril which has brought my blood pressure down but its taking a lot of monitoring to get the level right. Awful isn't it. After my zoladex injection next month they are missing one injection so they can take some blood tests to see if I've gone through the menopause yet. Hoping so as I'll not have to have them anymore if i have. I was seriously thinking of stopping all treatment due to all the issues I've had. Its so worrying when your heart races isn't it and the more you worry the worse it gets. Yes please post an update. Thank you and take care x