Will I require further tests? Mammogram picked up scar tissue

  • 3 replies
  • 316 subscribers


I had triple negative breast cancer.  I had mastectomy and then DIEP reconstruction. I had a reduction on the 'healthy' breast in September 23. 

I have had a little bit of firmness in the reduction breast with a bit of tenderness which I put down to me recently joining a gym.

Last week I had my first post surgery mammogram.  I told the lady about the firmness and tenderness.  I knew it was highly likely that they would find scarring in the mammogram.  The lady asked me to take a seat outside as she was checking the images as the resolution of the machine was not very good.  I know this is code for I am referring your images to someone.

I was called back in and she told me that they had found something but that the Doctor thought it was more than likely post surgery changes.  

The lady said if the Doctor was concerned she would have fast tracked me - but she hasn't.  However, I was asked to have a further mammogram - they needed more of the breast tissue on the image.    I was told that the result will be 7 weeks.

I am sure that the Doctor is correct that the firmness and what they spotted on the mammogram is post surgery changes.  However, since the appointment I am now wondering if I will end up needing further tests/scans/biopsies to help determine what they have spotted - any one have any similar experience.  Also, why did they need a second mammogram with more of the breast tissue on?

Thank you. 

  • Hi, I am sorry you're back with another period of uncertainty and waiting.  I must admit 7 weeks seems like an unusually long time, so if it were me I would be chasing the results.

    I had a lumpectomy in August 2021 and felt some unusual lumps around my scar a few months ago, I had a mammogram, then an ultrasound, but as they were not clear I was referred for an MRI with contrast dye, the reason being the dye would show up any cancer.  Thankfully it came back clear, so the lump was scar tissue, but I wanted to let you know how it went for me.

    I hope you get some clarity soon, best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi Irishgirl16

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. 

    Did you have all of those tests at the same time?  Or did you have the mammogram first. If so, how did they contact you for the other tests? Phone, letter or scheduled clinic appointment?

    Thank you 

  • Hi 

    I understand how you’re feeling I had my first mammogram 3 weeks ago after having TNBC last year. I was called back as they said the images were not clear !!I have a lot of scar tissue and firmness from the radiation.

    I was called back the week after and had another one the results only took a week to come back all clear .so hopefully yours is ok too. Sending you a hug