Help - mum has breast cancer

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  • 313 subscribers


I am new to the group and I am just looking for advice on how I can help my mum 

To cut a long story short , my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas, she had to have radiotherapy on a growth on her spine and the cancer has spread to many bones in her body, she started cancer treatment (tablet form) but then had to stop as she had pneumonia and was in hospital for 5 weeks , she is now home and has restarted the treatment but she is really struggling to eat , she feels sick all the time (she felt this way before restarting the treatment) 

she has now having to go into hospital to have a drip , I just want advice on easy things that she can eat , she struggles to swallow and i know she needs to eat to eat to be able to fight this illness 

  • Hello, this is all so very new for you both and i am sorry your mom is having a bad time of it right now. She has had a difficult start to her treatment but it wont always be like this. I think i would have a chat with her Dr to make sure she is on the right sickness tablet for her condition as there are many different types out there and sometimes we need to try a few till we get the one that works for us so please persevere with this with the nurses and Dr. If she is having a drip fitted this will help her to start eating again. She should be visited by the dietary team who should be able to offer advice, if you are not please ask to see them they can help. If you feel sick all the time its very difficult to eat for many reasons as you probably now. Tempting her with her previous favourites foods would help, and dont forget everything can be blended down to a pulp texture from a roast dinner to a chocolate bar and from experiance they still taste great, jelly and ice cream, custard, rice puddings,soups, easy digestable. You can also look on line for tasty treats for her and the dietary team can give her fortified drinks to help in the mean time. I hope it helps a bit. This will get better just take it easy i hope her treatment goes well for you all xx