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Hi All, 

I wasn’t sure if I would post here but I’m desperate to see if anyone has had a similar situation, or some knowledge of the process. 

I had a lumpectomy at the end of November in my left breast, it was a fatty lump but due to family history it was removed. Two weeks ago I felt another lump in my right breast and went to my local GP. I was examined by quite a nervous trainee who said that he didn’t have many concerns but wasn’t sure if he would refer or not. He sent me home so he could discuss this with his trainer before phoning to tell me that he would refer as a routine appointment. 

I decided to use private insurance through my work and attended the appointment four days later. The consultant discussed my previous surgery, family history (breast cancer and BRCA1 gene which I thankfully don’t have). At the examination he didn’t seem particularly concerned and that I’d have an ultrasound - exact same procedure as I had for my left breast. However he mentioned that the radiographer would either insert a needle to pop the lump or take a biopsy, and that’s where I essentially fell into a dark hole as I’m nervous around anything like that, and I feel I’ve taken absolutely nothing in after the ultrasound began. 

I had a core needle biopsy (2 samples) and during this, the lovely radiographer was chatting away about his ski holiday and how we were going at the same time (this Saturday), in between this, he did mention there was calcification and described what that was but from what I can remember, that was pretty much it. He mentioned about inserting something for future radiographers to see where the biopsy site was and that this can remain for life, it wouldn’t affect anything etc. I spoke to my consultant after this and he said I was good to go home however I mentioned to him that the radiographer had mentioned a mammogram and he briefly popped out to confirm this and then said I was good to go ahead rather than come back as he said he would have asked me to book one in. 

I came out of the ultrasound and into the mammogram room (being 31 you don’t anticipate the ol mammogram squeeze just yet) and I genuinely can’t describe how painful this was given my left breast is still tender from surgery and I had just had the biopsy on the right.  Once that was done my consultant said I was good to go and he would give me a ring next week (I’m on holiday). 

I really didn’t take anything else in, and I’m worried that maybe I didn’t ask enough, maybe I didn’t pick up on the vibe that they were concerned? I’ve tried to speak with the consultant to run things through so I have a clear thought process but no response yet. Does this seem normal for something the consultant initially didn’t seem overly concerned about? It’s more having the mammogram after the biopsy which has really worried me. Naturally I’m really scared and feel like I’m working myself into a state over this thinking the worst as I thought it would be similar to last time with the ultrasound instead of more diagnostics. Sorry if this is in the wrong section or triggering to some, I just feel at my wits end and I have a further week to wait 

  • I think they've given you appropriate tests.  You see younger women like yourself dismissed a too young but your consultant & radiographer have just treated you as a women with breasts!  If you click on my name you'll see I've had a few recalls in the years following my diagnosis.  They just say they thorough and super careful, especially with patients who've already been treated & while I'd rather not have had the biopsy the peace of mind after results was worth it.  They test & remove lumps as without physically examining it they can't be sure.  
    There is also cynical side of me that says private clinics can boost their bill with additional tests but I prefer to think they were being thorough.  The insertion of a clip at biopsy time is quite normal.  As explained they are markers so they know areas tested, removed, checked etc.  I have about 10 marking the area they removed.  

    Hooe you get your results soon x