Mood swings

  • 9 replies
  • 315 subscribers

On Letrozole and Ibandronic acid (should finish this one in May)

does anyone else get these moods swings and soooo tired

I’ve been through it come out good but my whole being as a person had changed was made redundant prior to covid (week before) then this happened but cannot seen to find the motivation to go back to work especially full time I could do with couple of days but as I get so tired they would be enough just wondered if anyone else felt the same 

I don’t feel sorry for myself as I am lucky but just wondered if it could be the meds 

  • Hi, thank you for writing this, because it does resonate with me. I also finish bisphosphonate treatment in May, so perhaps we were diagnosed at a similar time. I do get tired, and I do go up and down. I struggled with this until I sort of re-invented myself and my life. I am much more content in some ways nowadays, despite the tiredness. I gave up full time work, went part time and changed my role slightly (I work for the same employer), because occupational health said that I had to work from home (I previously had a three hour round trip commute - and certainly can’t do that nowadays). I think some of the tiredness and wanting more of a quiet life nowadays is due to the treatment (I did have chemo, double mastectomy, radiation), some is due to the current meds (I’m on Anastrazole), and some is due to aging (I’m now 62). My life now is less busy, busy, but I do belong to a lot of daytime social groups, I work a few hours each day, and I  have an allotment which I potter on, so I’m not bored. I have lost some confidence, but I’m working on that. My expectations of myself are less now … the high bar (especially re: work) that I previously set for myself has been lowered. But I dont regret that. Like you, I feel lucky. Perhaps you might consider some part time voluntary work and see how that goes? Xx

  • Hello lovely you are so right having cancer has made me look at my life I am so more content now the old me wanted everything yesterday!!!!! She has gone I like this person still getting used to her though !! and like you less expectations on myself I do get a bit nervous but I think of what we have been through and feel I need to be strong for those who cannot and feel lucky

    I am looking for a little part time job max 15 hours a week mornings only,  also I am lucky to have met some wonderful ladies around here whilst walking my dogs their genuine support has been  wonderful and I’m lucky to have a very supportive hubby

    i think sometimes we are hard on ourselves especially wen we have been so busy in life and now not it’s the change I think something none of us expected 

    thank you so much for getting back to me it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who could sleep as an Olympic sportJoyJoy

    I wish you continued recovery and a lifetime of love health and happiness please feel free to message me at anytime if you want to talk Heart

  • Thank you my lovely I hope you got my message before 

  • Thank you, that’s a lovely reply.x 

  • After a couple of years on exemestane, I finally took the plunge to go and get a low dose anti-depressant as my mood swings made me feel like my whole personality had changed. The worst were the bouts of sudden anger out of nowhere and the weeks of low mood.

    Taking fluoxetine was the best thing I have done. I only need the absolute lowest dose and it just makes me feel like me again. Bonus is that it also helps me sleep better, which then helps with mood as well. You can't take any SSRIs on tamoxifen as it can stop it working as well, but it's fine for aromatase inhibiters.

    I'm still fatigued, I don't think that will start to get better until I'm no longer taking exemestane and zoledex, but the mood swings are significantly improved.

  • I also have bouts of anger I hate myself for it I’m on citalopram been on it for ages but perhaps I ought to have a wit’s with doctor - ours are not the best but dint want to be like this indefinitely 

    thanks for your reply I wish you continued health and happiness Heart

  • Hi all, I just thought of something which often works for me. I only remembered it when I turned on the radio this morning and tuned into ‘Gold UK’. Lots of upbeat 70’s and 80s tunes, which do help lift my mood. Realise that it’s not for everyone, but for me it often provides a distraction, breaks the spell,  and results in a little jig or two when I’m ironing or washing up! 

  • Hi  , I think the tiredness/ fatigue is the worst aspect for me. I’m on Anastrozole, felt that I coped ok with the op and the radiotherapy (was lucky to escape chemo) but found that the ongoing fatigue and brain fog (which I attribute to the Anastrozole) meant that I could never cope with consecutive days at work, and was barely managing even that. I was a special needs teacher and my school were very supportive but after a year of struggling, I ended up being signed off sick and eventually took ill health retirement. It was horrible and I felt like a total failure but it was the best decision in the end. I was lucky though that it was an option. So I retired at 61 instead of my pre cancer plan to work till 65. The weariness is so much more manageable now that I can pace myself. I love walking so get out as much as possible, and it really helps. In fact I’m fitter now than I was pre diagnosis. Hope you find the right job for you, sending love and a big virtual hug. HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • I coped great with chemo etc just got on with it maybe because I was focused Shrug and I felt fortunate speaking to others having chemo, but the tiredness I feel like a freek I think that’s y I did not look for another job no way can I do full time I’m looking for a little couple of days now as I do walk a lot with me dogs but have to much time to sit and think tried volunteering but costs a lot parking etc I have such a supportive network especially my hubby but as I’m not claiming any benefits and at 61 no pension yet the little income would help and take away my guilt of not bringing money in !

    brain fog so funny I flooded the kitchen last week mobile rang walked by the tap which was running to answer it sat down then we wondered what the noise was Face palm♀️Face palm♀️Face palm♀️

    Thank you do much for the comments sending hugs back I think if we know we are not along with these symptoms it really helps and s good cry now and again 

    love and health happiness always