Microcalcifications and biopsy results

  • 5 replies
  • 318 subscribers

Hello! I recently had a stereostatic biopsy of an area of grouped calcifications found on my two yearlymammogram. Went to see my consultant yesterday and he informed me that the samples came back as B1 - normal breast tissue and he expected B2 ideally. So there was basically no calcium deposits seen in samples. I'm going back for more images to see as per his recommendation. He wants to ensure if calcifications were indeed taken out. The area was very small ~5mm. Did this happen to anybody? The Dr taking samples was convinced that they were good, she even did it twice and was happy that the calcifications were indeed in the sample. I'm so confused...

Is having mammograms so frequently even safe? In the last 4 weeks it would my my fourth!!!

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I haven't had the same experience as you but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. Responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    I'm sure people who have had a similar experience will be along shortly.


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  • Yes. They were looking at a big area (5cm) in my case and unfortunately the second sample hit a blood vessel and they had to stop. The first sample came back normal. Subsequent samples came back as DCIS. You can see my story in my profile. They have to be sure, and I think that’s all it means. It is better that they keep checking. DCIS or very small tumours are highly treatable although it feels terrifying regardless. I hope you get answers soon. Waiting for news one way or the other is the worst part. 
    Love from the coffee fiend xx

  • I had areas of calcification show on my first mammogram, I subsequently had magnified mammograms. Then biopsies done by ultrasound and then mammogram to get the right areas. They did manage to get results from those biopsies. So my experience is not the same as yourself but I have a friend who had to go back again to get biopsies done because her consultant was sure something was there that wasn’t showing up in the results. They did eventually manage to get the right areas in the end. I just wanted to reassure you that it’s not uncommon and I know the waiting is difficult. 

  • Hello Silvik.

    Hopefully by now you had more information from your consultant or are about to have it.

    I had calcifications and a stereostatic biopsy performed, in my case the report said they were LCIS. On this same breast I had a 12mm IDC so I got both areas removed at surgery.

    At the same time, one of my best friends went to the same biopsy for calcifications, with no other lesion on breasts and her results were non-malignant.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • Hi 

    i had to have a similar thing. Had mammogram which picked up microcalcifications. Then they tried to do biopsy while my breast was in the mammogram clamp - inserted a titanium coil at the end of that procedure to be able to locate the cells in future. When the biopsy results came back as cells growing abnormally but they weren’t sure in what sense, they then inserted Radio Frequency emitters to the site and then did a surgical biopsy and combined that with a full lumpectomy. That came back as invasive DCIS and just had sentinel node biopsy. Results from that still to come.

    i think it’s a tricky road to make sure they find the actual calcifications and then to sign off on them being all clear. 

    I wouldn’t worry about the number of mammograms. I had the same thought but the dose is tiny and benefit far outweighs the risk.