Back ache

  • 10 replies
  • 315 subscribers

Anyone get niggly pains?

 I've had surgery last year, recently finished chemo and started radiation all preventative.

Had CT Mark up scan and consultant said that scan was clear. 

Of course my mind has been fretting even though I've been reassured I keep thinking it could have returned and hasn't been spotted!!



  • Hi Jax007

    Yes I think this is anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis, part and parcel of this whole horrible journey.  I finished preventative treatment end of last year.  My problem is I take hormone tablets too which cause their own symptoms, lots of aches and pains and stiffness which send my mind into overdrive. However, our bodies have been through so much with treatment, surgery affecting muscles and nerves, chemo and neuropathy etc and I think we forget that sometimes.  I find exercise really helps with any aches and also gives me a feel good boost and I know it's silly but when I feel good from exercising, I feel fit and healthy and it really helps to put my head in a better space.  Works for me anyway.   If I'm honest, I actually find the mental battle with BC much harder than the physical one.  Maybe some ladies will come on to reassure us that it gets better with time, sending hugs xx

  • Thank you Lullabelle.

    I am so anxious most of the time. It’s the uncertainty and fear that takes over. But like you said, we are all in the same position I terms of worrying about things x

  • I totally get it - I have days when it is totally overwhelming.  I was never contacted by the Moving On team and often wonder if I would have benefited from that in terms of reframing how I think about the BC moving forward.  Have you had anything like that?

  • Nothing like that no.

    I have four radiotherapy sessions left and then 3 weekly Phesgo injections and 6 monthly Zometa xx

  • Hi, the mind races at times doesn’t it.  It seems we all have those doubting moments and I don’t know the answer to them.  Before being diagnosed 2 years ago I never suffered with insomnia, I do now!  
    Can’t I ask who is the moving on team you mentioned. I’ve not heard of this x

  • I'm 3 years past surgery and I still get some pain and niggles from the surgery, especially when i overdo doing things with my arms. I agree that exercising really helps, though running can sometimes cause me shoulder pain too. Shoulder pain was a big symptom of my original cancer so that gets a bit worrying, but as others have said - our nerves have been damaged through surgery and chemo, plus the hormone therapy gives you aches and pains, so there is still a lot going on.

    Any big worries I have, I get checked out. For anything like aches and pains, I usually wait a few weeks now and see what it does. It usually goes away, though I have had very bad wrist pain that lasted over 6 months and sciatica, which was the same. Hormone therapy seems to cause these long-term things with me that then spontaneously resolve.

  • Hi Mibby

    It was something the breast care nurses mentioned as they sort of handed me over to oncology for treatment.  They said once treatment had all finished, someone would be in touch to discuss more the holistic side of things, counselling etc and that there was a "Moving on/forward" course to help you process what had happened, also would discuss whether I wanted a tattoo after reconstruction.  I think it might have been Macmillan based but not 100% sure.  I never heard anything and of course, work kicks back in and I have never chased it up and feel that I've missed the boat with that one now.  I'm sure other ladies must have been offered the same xx sorry, that's not much help but I've just had a google and Breast Cancer Now seem to do an online course but I haven't looked into it - not sure if you pay, probably not I'm guessing.  If you type in Moving Forward into the search bar on this forum, you'll see other ladies have posted xx

  • I have had back twinge for a few weeks but it's not as bad now. 
    MacMillan nurse didn't say it was a cause of concern. 
    I'm just nervous all of the time! Sob

  • Thank you Lullabelle. You’ve explained it very well. I wasn’t offered this neither was it mentioned so maybe it’s depends on area. I had a mastectomy without reconstruction which was offered but I declined. Maybe this had som bearing. 

    anyway, I’m 15 months after treatment and now on adjuvant therapy so I don’t think I need it now.   I was curious to know what it was about

    i wish you well and thanks for replying. C