Biopsy left breast after having triple negative in right breast 2022

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Hi everyone

its been some time since I posted on here. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer multi focal in June 2022. I had mastectomy with reconstruction august 2022, chemo from October 2022 through to January 23, then a blast of radiotherapy in February 23. I then had a routine ct scan in June 23 to check to see if the cancer had Metastasized. On this routine ct a large mass was found in my presacral space behind my rectum… I was referred to Leeds hospital as my local hospital didn’t specialise in this field… I waited until November 23 to have this removed; it was a fight from June until November to get a date for my operation.. then I ended up having emergency surgery on my right breast just before Christmas 23. I’m slowly on my road to recovery after that.

ive been having pain in my left breast (non cancer side) sore nipple sharp pains and a few little lumps I was concerned about which started beginning of Feb this year; I told my breast nurse she said to keep an eye on it so I did. It got slightly worse and the lumps and tenderness was becoming more noticeable; she referred me to our local breast clinic which I attended on Friday 8th March.. I ended up having to have a biopsy on a lump they could see on the ultrasound they carried out. 

my regular consultant was also there on Friday; he wanted the biopsy doing as did the sonogropher..

they both said they are 90% sure it’s a fibroadenoma however I am so worried and concerned about the other 10%… I know they see these things on mammograms and ultrasounds everyday so they know what they are looking at but yet still my health anxiety is taking me down thoughts of a somewhat dark path and I hate it; they said results 7-10 days; seems like such a long time to wait!!!

has anyone else experienced this please? If so what advice can you give me.. I’m so worried it’s come along and decided to visit my left breast but as I well know I can’t control the outcome Cry

thanks in advance 

Jo xx

  • Gosh, what alot you are going through at the moment!

    I am so sorry for you, and wish you the best of everything with your treatment moving forward x

  • Hi Jo, I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through it must be such a stressful time, I had a fibroadenoma a few years ago and they said that they were almost sure it was non cancerous when they did the biopsy, ultrasound etc and it did turned out they were right although it was very worrying waiting for definite results.I had to have that lump removed by surgery but after recovering from surgery that was the end of it.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2024 but also a fibroadenoma in the same breast. At the biopsy, ultrasound the radiographer said she could see a fibroadenoma and also a suspicious lump that she was fairly sure was cancerous- again the wait was very worrying- worse than the last time due to the fact she had said she was preparing me that it was very likely cancerous- it turned out again they were right - a cancer and a fibroadenoma. I believe they are so experienced and very good at knowing what they are looking at - I know it won't make you stop worrying but hopefully give you a glimmer of hope that there is a good probability that they are right and it is a fibroadenoma.

    I don't know if there is a Maggies near you- they have been great for me when I was feeling very panicky a nurse calmed me down an my anxiety was alot less after speaking to her. I hope you are OK.

    Sending hugs xx

  • Thank you for replying.. 

    im so sorry to hear about your diagnosis Cry which type of BC have you been diagnosed with?

    im just more worried I guess because I’ve had it before. Mastectomy with reconstruction. I’m awaiting mastectomy on my left side which should be this month at some point towards the end of March; so whatever this is will be getting removed. I guess it’s just the fear that it is something and I will need further treatment!!!

    it’s hard to stay positive but I know what you mean they do know what they are looking at and see it very often; but I guess the outcome will be what the outcome will be. I can’t control it…

    jo x

  • Hi Jo my BC is ER, PR positive, HER2 neg, hasn't spread to lymph nodes and was smaller than expected when removed It  on 7 Feb. There were clear margins. It was downgraded from stage 2 to stage 1 so I am very lucky. I'm waiting for radiotherapy now. I've been given Letrozole but haven't started taking it yet. I have a bone scan appointment early April as the Letrozole can cause osteoporosis so I want to have that done before taking the Letrozole and also think I want to do the radiotherapy without the possible side effects of the Letrozole. I hope all goes well for you xx

  • Hi Skyemum

    good news that it hasn’t spread to lymph nodes and that it was smaller than first thought; I bet you are relieved that you are avoiding having to have chemotherapy PrayPray

    mine was triple negative multi focal; all of my tumours added up to 90mm (9cm) heard someone the other day when I was getting my biopsy say it was a very nasty cancer I had; makes me reel when I hear health care professionals say how bad it was; it brings me crashing down to think how bad it was and that I found the lump accidentally; but that that was only one them CryCry so so scary!!! 

    I had four months of chemotherapy every two weeks.. it was intense!!

    I hope your MRI goes well and you can arrange your continuing care safely PrayPray

    thanks again for your reply to my post xx