Throbbing/piercing breast pain

  • 2 replies
  • 312 subscribers

The ladt couple of days the pain has been unbearable. Driving and sleeping (not done much of that lately) is when it's not good.

Not sure if its in my head or is linked to my diagnosis

Been told I've got invasive lobular breasr cancer and anxiously waiting for ct scan results to see if spread anyway else as already spread to lymph nodes in the armpit. And will very likely will need a mastectomy next month .

  • Hi Jackie - my pain has been unbearable since my biopsy and but I had expected that to improve but like you, some days its piercing and throbbing and feels like im being constantly stabbed. Sleeping has been the most difficult thing.   I also thought it was in my head following my diagnosis but its definitely been since the biopsy and just seems to have never recovered. Ive found its very vainy too since the biopsy so looks a bit grim.  I have triple negative and its also in the armpit lymph node. Found the lump myself and its at 6cm.  I started chemo 2 weeks ago.  22 weeks to go and then hoping for lumpectomy but that could all change so just taking one day at a time.  Good luck on your journey 

  • At first I thought it was the brusing after after the biopsy causing the pain but not to sure now as the biopsy was late January early February (all i remember it was a sunday) 

    Trying not to overload with pain killers. Just waiting now to see the consultant watching the clock slowly ticking by!! 

    Good luck with ur journey too 
