Hip Replacement after breast cancer ANYONE

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  • 313 subscribers

So having done the mastectomy then chemo and radiotherapy plus another bilateral surgery I now have arthritis in my hip.

Anyone out there??

  • I have arthritis in both my hips.  X Ray showed “moderate” so apparently I could well need a hip replacement eventually but have to follow the pathway which begins with a course of physiotherapy.  My right hip pain is much worse than left and I really struggle to walk some days.  I take Naproxen for several days when I know I need to be walking (like this weekend - trip to Dublin!).  I used to love walking miles so very upset not to be able to do the hikes any more.   Weight is piling on which doesn’t help.

    I totally blame the AIs I was on for three and a half years (until I asked to come off them) but the damage has been done.  I realise now that I shouldn’t really have been on the AIs as I only have a 3% chance of the cancer returning. 

    Apparently Naproxen can damage kidneys so hate having to rely on them.  

    Just keep going!
  • I also have a hip problem.  After cancer treatment I had bone scan for hip pain which showed suspected osteoarthritis and a disc problem.   Just waiting for x ray results.  My kidney function not great so I’ve been prescribed naproxen but only for the really bad days.  Oh the absolute joys.   I know losing weight would help but hard when I can only exercise gently, some days even walking not great.  If I can, I’ll try to get by with physio, a bit of yoga and Pilates. I really couldn’t cope with hip replacement currently. My Physio recommended glucosamine and chondrotin supplements so giving those a bash, along with turmeric.  

  • Oh my Lordy you sound exactly like me.  I do Pilates and yoga (I try).  I think the cancer treatment has kind of speeded up arthritis - it came on so suddenly in my hip.  Think after all my treatmenSlight frownI might have to have a hip replacement. I had a cortisone injection (pain free for 2 days).  I’ve done all the physio.  Scan shows arthritis Slight frown

  • Hi please remind me the “ALS”  I had Letrazole then Anastrazole then Exemestane - now Tamoxifen - weight has piled since diagnosis due to not being able to continue with tennis and cardio.  Never thought I would need a hip replacement.  I’ve had naproxen for pain during chemo.  I have a 30% chance of recurrence.  Was hoping to go forward not have more surgery for hip. Done physio and cortisol injection - not really helped.  Thank you guys for responding xxx

  • I hope the supplements help you.  I think I’m beyond that I also have back pain and some arthritis.  Limping makes things worse for me so I think I willl go ahead with replacement.  Never expected this after breast cancer!!  Best wishes x

  • Me too with the weight I used to be so active so I know how it feels. Xx

  • I’m receiving treatment in Spain.  The experience has been interesting to say the least!  I think if hip replacement on the cards I will go private. My Spanish NHS GP says supplements a total waste of time but I’m not convinced.   She did also try to prescribe me tramadol despite it being on my records as not agreeing with me.  I take it all with a pinch of salt and do my own research and make my own decisions.  My physio who is also a yoga teacher recommended yin yoga which I’ve found has helped to release some of the muscle tightness and imbalances.  My hip flexors and hamstrings feel better for it already.   Gin also helps!

  • Really interested to read this thread.  I'm at the opposite end - I have basically the full set of arthritic/joint conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative disc disease, frozen shoulder, osteoarthritis in hips and (slightly) in ankles.  And then I was diagnosed with DCIS (8cm high grade) a couple of weeks ago.  Will be having a mastectomy.

    At my diagnosis mtg I was told I'd be on hormone therapy after surgery.  Which I was concerned about only because I've also had problems with postmenopausal bleeding and thickened womb lining.  But when I met my surgeon she said I wasn't a candidate for hormone therapy.  Which I thought meant it wasn't needed.  But having read your posts think it could mean I'm not suitable because of my pre-existing conditions!  So thank you - I shall know to ask about this now!  

    Btw - I had just started the same hip pathway (physio) when I had to stop for a back operation for my ddd.  But a specialist physio told me it wouldn't make a difference anyway to progression of arthritis in the hip - it's just a step you have to go through.  Fully expect to have a replacement in at least one hip at some point.

  • I do yin yoga and it does help but I can’t do all of the moves.  I find the less I do the more it hurts.  My hip replacement is booked for early June.

  • Poor you will all those problems.  I think the physio delayed the inevitable and arthritis doesn’t go away.  You have an awful lot to deal with.  Best wishes x