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  • 316 subscribers


I’m taking Anastrozole, post breast cancer treatment & therapies. During treatment I lost all my hair, head body eyelashes etc . i was reading on the internet that 
Anastrozole discourages hair growth? Is this true ? My last chemo was December & I’ve recently finished radiotherapy. 
sorry if this is a little trivial but I was just wondering if anyone can advise 
  • Hi  , not trivial at all. I didn’t have chemo but I’ve been on Anastrozole for just over 5 years. My head hair seems thinner but then I’m also older - 64 now - so it would probably have thinned a bit anyway. And it’s not very noticeable. I don’t think that my body hair seems affected at all, in fact I think my face is hairier! But again that can happen as we age so who knows. Well done for getting through all that treatment. I don’t love being on the Anastrozole but hopefully it’s keeping the beast at bay so I’ll carry on popping the pills. Love and hugs, HFxx

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hi, haven’t had any problems with hair, have been on Anastrozole for just over a year, however, last 2 prescriptions have been a different brand and I have been suffering since Christmas with tendon pain in my wrist.  Don’t know if this is due to side effects or just me aging, other joints have also become painful.  Has anyone else got side effects this far into treatment?  Am back to the Accord brand now and hoping for improvement.  Have chatted with breastcare nurse who said it was slightly unusual.

  • Hi @Deedee313 , I cold-capped during chemo but it didn’t work very well for me and I lost about 70% of my hair.  I resorted to wearing a wig.  I started on anastrozole almost immediately afterwards.  My hair grew back quickly, and thicker than it was before diagnosis (that’s still the case 2 years on).  So I can definitely say that - for me at least - anastrozole hasn’t discouraged hair growth.  Best of luck x

  • I have been on tamoxifen for almost 3 years but have suffered Achilles tendinitis both hamstrings inflamed and a tear in my tendon that joins my hip. All the same leg. I have NOT injured it. I’m convinced it’s the tamoxifen but the oncologist never says yes or no so I asked to change tablet and have gone on letrozole but the side effects in the packet say can cause tendon rupture!! I’m stuck as to what to do.