What would have helped me

  • 27 replies
  • 321 subscribers

I live alone and have had to cope with life and the effects of surgery and treatment. I have lovely friends who often didn't know what to say or do,but would have helped if I'd asked them for anything.

I managed everything myself despite overwhelming fatigue and some pain. 

I see so many ads for 'comfort parcels', full of stuff I didn't need and would never use.  But... one thing I've since thought of, and would have loved to have been given, is a book of help vouchers. Each one covering a chore like, going  shopping, or cleaning the kitchen for me. ,would cash them in by handing one to a friend who would do the chore to give me some rest time. I wouldn't feel bad for asking. My friends would be ok knowing they were helping, and I wouldn't feel like I was risking compassion fatigue.

What do you guys think? If it's a good idea, maybe macmillan can produce these?

  • Hi  

    I'm Steph from the Community team, I have just dropped in to say what a fantastic idea. 

    I have created some printable coupons based on some of your suggestions, in case they might be helpful for anyone. What do you think?

    We will be featuring the coupons and other ideas for comfort gifts in our Community News Blog today. 

    A massive thank you for sharing your idea, I hope this will be helpful for members who need some support, or for members supporting a loved one with cancer.

    You can download and print the coupon sheet from the following file:


    Everyone is welcome to share their feedback or ideas - we're here to listen

    Online Community Officer
  • This is absolutely BRILLIANT

    Can I also suggest "a listening ear for a rant!"

  • This is a LOVELY idea! And as I may well be coming up for yet more treatment 6 years on from my original mx with implant, I may well just avail myself of the chance to download them! 

    Hugs xxx


  •    this is such a great idea but I can’t open anything from your link? I too am alone and may well be facing more treatment after a lump has needed to be biopsied from my mx side.

    hugs xxx


  • I think that’s a brilliant idea I find it difficult to ask for practical help but think just giving a voucher might be the answer 

  • Hi  

    Is this ok? You could copy and print from here.

    Online Community Officer
  • Hi  

    Sending virtual hugs, that sounds really tough.

    Sorry you can't download the file, I will email it to you now to see if that helps.

    Online Community Officer