Breast Cancer Late Side Effects

  • 6 replies
  • 316 subscribers

Has anyone experienced shoulder pain 5 years after their treatment?  I had a DIEP operation, chemo and radiotherapy.  

  • Hi Janet12, just a bit confused, has it been constant pain for the last five years or a pain that has just started ater 5 years of treatment

  • Hello  ,

    I had lumpectomy with combined radiotherapy some 5 years ago.  I sailed though it all (even felt guilty with how I found the treatment).....

    This said, for the last month or so my shoulder has started to play up, it seems like its stopped working from just below should height - meaning if I raise my arm out 'straight in front of me' - the pain in my shoulder stops me from going any higher (and what seems like weakness).  If I am lying down and try to raise arm over my head (not up in the air, over my head) I have to stop the pain is intense.  My description would be 'it feels like my shoulder as seized or come out of its socket' (I know this sounds dramatic but it 'really hurts' aargh ..

    I am now off to google 'frozen shoulder' (as this was how I was describing it in my head).

    Sorry my reply is all over the place - thats just me haha - basically since just before Christmas I have started having shoulder pain and restricted movement since having no problem for years.

    Hope this helps x

    I'm hoping this makes sense - only my mind says one thing and my fingers type whatever they like x
  • Hi to you both,

    shoulders don’t like being immobile but you can also get a condition where a bony growth can impinge tendon movement through the joint area. My suggestion is to seek via GP, a physio referral first of all, and maybe xray/MRI of shoulder. 

    I had a quite bad and very painful impingement while I was still working as an OT and ended up having an arthroscopic op to free it, totally successful, but a good few tough physio appointments afterwards to regain the full range of movement.

    Hope you get some answers

    hugs xxx 


  • Hi All,  thank you for your replies.  My shoulder has become sore over about the last 3 weeks.  Its at the bottom of my shoulder blade and the right side of my neck and I feel like its reactivated a bit of soreness under my arm and my reconstruction.  It's got a bit worse since I did an online exercise class the other day.  I might have slightly overdone the rare exercise classes that I've done lately.  The fact that its around my surgery site makes me think its something to do with my cancer 5 years ago.  I can still raise my arms and its not that bad, its just persistent.  I have a health check at my GP surgery in a couple of weeks so will mention it then.

  • I had a rotator cuff tear a year ago and have bursitis on my surgery side, more likely after our treatments. Could you have injured your shoulder? I had an mri to confirm. 

    “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet.  Stephen Hawking,
  • Hi, thank you, it is possible I might have overdone my exercises.  The problem is trying to rest that side as I'm right-handed so v difficult to be careful on that side.