I might have to have a Mastectomy

  • 2 replies
  • 312 subscribers

Has anyone had a Mastectomy and then had reconstruction done on the same day?

Also they have put 2 options to me to have my breast reconstructed one a Silicone Implant or using my own body tissue. Has anyone had any experience with any of these? 

Thank you 

  • Hi, so sorry you’re here and facing surgery….

    rather a long time ago now for me, (5years)  I had what they call a ‘skin sparing’ mastectomy with immediate implant. my surgeon had suggested that I had a sentinel mode biopsy a few weeks before since it looked as though there was no spread (there wasn’t) and we had a short holiday already booked. If there had been lymph node spread she suggested that the implant would be a temporary one as I might then need radiotherapy (that has a tendency to harden an implant) and she would replace it at a later stage. 

    All went ok but I do have some adhesion on a bit of the scar. Otherwise (age related!) I have uneven boobs but all is fine in a bra.

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Dubai98, I hope you are doing well and maybe by now you have decided...

    I know it can be overwhelming and I can only offer my personal experience. On 30th December, I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and they used my tummy fat. It depends on so many things obviously and every person is different. I am 44 years old and for me it was an ''easy'' choice to have my breast reconstructed at the same time, so the changes in my body weren't too radical. This option of the immediate reconstruction using your own tissue means longer procedure and recovery but more natural results. Your doctors and CNSs will inform you in detail about the pros and cons and also not all options are suitable for everyone.

    What I can say from my experience is that it takes effort and patience, need to stick to the exercise and physiotherapy schedule and in the first few days it was at times very hard and I needed a lot of help but it was totally worth it and now 6 weeks post surgery I am completely independent, pain free and able to be out and about and have 2 very nice breasts. I don't even mind not having a nipple to the reconstructed one, as this needs to be done later on. 

    All the best with your surgery and your recovery!