SEROMA months after Mastectomy & Reconstruction

  • 3 replies
  • 314 subscribers


I'm hoping someone else may have experienced the same as me and may be able to advise!

I had a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with a silicone breast implant last September. On my right breast. Recovery was not too bad but there was a huge build up of fluid /a seroma in the weeks following treatment. My Consultant drained the fluid in November - almost half a litre! He advised me that fluid build up is very common with the procedure I had and that I would probably need to have this done again. Before the end of 2023 I had more fluid drained (not quite as much) and was advised that this could last for up to a year. I am an active person and probably didn't give myself much time to recover immediately after surgery but I'm quite frustrated at the discomfort this bulging boob is causing. I need to go back to see the Consultant as the exercises I've been doing have not helped and the seroma is back. Has anyone experienced this? How long did your seroma last? Is there anything you did or would advise to do that could help? 

Thanks :-)

  • Hi! I noticed your post hasn’t had any replies yet, so my answer will bump it back to the top of the pages and hopefully someone with the right experience will be along soon.   I also wonder if the experts here at Macmillan might be able to give you some advice on your question. You can call them on 0800 808 0000. Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Hi…. I’ve just found your post as similar has happened to me (it’s a few weeks passed my surgery same as yours & I’ve had swelling)… however surgeon wants to monitor for another week due to not wanting to cause damage to implant with needle..he’s hoping it may

    sorry I’m not much use answering your question as I’m much earlier in the process but I was wondering whether you had a silicon implant & how it was drained? How are you doing now?

    thanks & apologies I was no help to you!!


  • I had a stubborn seroma and I went weekly to get it drained but it lasted quite a few weeks. Maybe get it drained more often will help it go. Good luck.